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Trainer functions inconsistable i.e. not usable/workable (StickDetect) #4108

Open ilioSS53 opened 4 months ago

ilioSS53 commented 4 months ago

Hello, After updating my x20s and x18 to 1.5.9 the trainer function became inconsistable/not-workable. The training set-up is as follow; master X20S slave X18 receiver Archer GR8 (2.1.14) in a Multiplex Easystar#3

If the channel 1 aileron function on master tx is configurated as added the signals are added and become over the max. limit as set in min and max. Also the mixes moving bar is not moving on master tx. from the slave tx ( on trainer ops. normal working) This is different from the elevator and rudder. A quick look on replace function it looks ok provided no mixes etc. are programmed.

The whole trainer function looks like it needs some attention. Please bring it in a working state. Or correct my if i,am wrong.

Like to hear. Theo ps. For me it is difficult to explane the exact problem due to the complexity of the materie. Sorry

ilioSS53 commented 4 months ago

Hello, After plenty more time spent on exploring the trainers function the moving blue mixer bar is solved. It appeared that the choose of analog or channel has influence on the moving mixer bar.

Kind regards, Theo

ilioSS53 commented 4 months ago


Still testing the trainer function. At the moment I test the StickDetected function on special request from my instructeur. This is a nice feature. Trainer transmitter is in add mode. StickDetect on elevator. This gives nervous moving of both elevator end rudder servo,s. This tested on two different receivers with tests swapping the transmitters. So a component failure is most unlikely. Altough the replacement is recommended the add function is also available and should be working without any trouble.

Tried various combinations with elevator, rudder delay times etc. Only with confirmation the rudder and elevator are not uncontrolled moving. Buth this very unconvinend during flying ops.

I hope FrSKY SW dept. will look into this problem. Like to hear. If I,am not correct please give a push in the right direction.

Kind regards, Theo

ilioSS53 commented 3 months ago

Question, Will this issue be lookinto by FrSKY? A answer is much appriciated.

bsongis-frsky commented 3 months ago

Perhaps you could attach your model so that we can see what you have setup?

ilioSS53 commented 3 months ago

Hello bsongis, Many thanks for your reaction. I do understand it is difficult to understand the jitter on elevator and rudder. I will do my utmost to clarify the situation so you are able to reproduce the jitter. I will come back as soon as I,am able to look into the model. Kind regards, Theo

ilioSS53 commented 3 months ago

Hello again,

At the model right now. As student I bought a X18 for training purposses in addition of my X20S transmitter as master. Both latest FW. The set-up is on a Funman AETRA with receiver Archer SR8+ The trainer set-up as follow X20S as Master, Bluetooth, High speed connected to BT from X18 Active condition: SD(arrow-up) CH1 replace aileron CH2 replace elevator CH3 replace trottle with trottle cut on SF CH4 replace rudder CH5 replace aileron

SLAVE Slave Bluetooth High speed Local address xxx Distance address xxx ( address from master) Channel range CH1 - CH8 note: this differ from channel range from master CH1 - CH16?

So this is working as expected with the use of Switch SD. As whish from my instructeur who likes to have StickDetected in order to take over more direct I tested this.

I.did make a logical switch in the master like this; Name: StickDetect Function: normal A = X Source(A) : rudder Value(X) : 0% Active cond. : always on no delays both confirmation OFF no duration set

On master the following was changed from replace to ADD aileron, rudder, elevator AND Active condition: StickDetect

at this point the rudder and elevator have jitter ( during moving sticks on slave transmitter )

Lots of tests performed in order to find what coursed the jitter no succes. Also changed fron receiver and swap the master and slave transmitters no succes.

Please advice? If you are looking for more specific data please let me know I will provide.

Kind regards, Theo

ilioSS53 commented 3 months ago

Hello bsongis,

Further tests done. Also jitter on StickDetect and replace. No jitter when using Switch position.

Regards, Theo

ilioSS53 commented 3 months ago

Just a question.

Is more info needed? Is this jitter reproduced? If more specific info is needed please let me know so we are able to solve this jitter.

Like to hear. Kind regards Theo

ilioSS53 commented 2 months ago

No responce to solve the problem I changed to SPECTRUM transmitter and receiver with working wireless stickDetect.