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Simulator for Linux #4176

Open MiANat opened 1 week ago

MiANat commented 1 week ago

I have installed the simulator for Linux for the X20S (Nightly 1.5.10) under Linux MX-23.3. There are problems with the authorizations. Obviously nothing can be saved as a standard user. linux_mx_simulator_storage_error Michael

mawzthefinn commented 1 week ago

You'll need to fix permissions for the selected storage folders.

MiANat commented 1 week ago

... folder /usr/share/ethos has already read and write permissions. Any folder else?

MiANat commented 1 week ago

On the subject of authorizations: The simulator must work after installation without any further adjustments, especially changes to the authorizations. :-)

Merga189 commented 1 week ago

I would say, that after the installation of the *.deb package as 'root' (or 'sudo'), starting the SIM, configuration and saving and loading models should be possible as 'user'. Any modification of folder permission should not be necessary at all.

bsongis-frsky commented 1 week ago

I am not sure that it's a good idea to give R/W permissions to something in /usr

MiANat commented 1 week ago

That's my opinion too. The OTX Companion + OTX Simulator has also been running on my system for some time. Without special authorizations. I think the ETHOS simulator should also be able to function without unnecessary authorizations.

Merga189 commented 1 week ago

I am not sure that it's a good idea to give R/W permissions to something in /usr

Definitely NOT! I am still using on Debian OTX 2.3.15 and the *.deb package places the executable files companion23 and simulator23 in /usr/local/bin/. But all the necessary rest like Companion 2.3.conf, backups etc. is placed in /home/user/

NOT necessary, to change permissions. Just install the *.deb package as root or sudo.

With EdgeTX for me things are a bit easier as there is an appimage available, which can be placed as one likes ... /home/user/ or /opt/ ....

Offering an appimage would circumnavigate any problems.

br Karl

bsongis-frsky commented 1 week ago

I am fixing things properly in 1.5.10 Then I will read about appimage, which I don't know

MiANat commented 5 days ago

Installed the actual (2024-06-23) version of sim for x20s. Now it's possible to save some data. Installation was started from terminal with "sudo apt-install...". Found directory "/home//.ethos", but why it is hidden? Copied some modell bins into the folder "./ethos/X20S/models". But where to put for example audio-files, scripts? There is still the directory "/usr/share/ethos/..." with only access for root. Should be possible to copy sounds + scripts without special rights.

Merga189 commented 5 days ago

"/home/user/.ethos/" is totally normal for configuration files under Linux.

MiANat commented 2 days ago

Tested the actual version for x20pro today. There's only one thing left: where to put user defined soundfiles? At the moment they need to be in ./share/ethos/x20pro/audio//

/. This needs special permission....

bsongis-frsky commented 1 hour ago

Right, it remains something to do for audio. I plan to create a folder .ethosXXX/audio, then for each language create a lot of dynamic links

I keep this issue open for 1.5.11