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Aileron differential on a flying wing. #10

Open miggy1952 opened 4 months ago

miggy1952 commented 4 months ago

Version 1.5.7 EU

On a flying wing setup, adding aileron differential should be able to have the up travel to be about double the downward travel on the BOTH ailerons.

The current situation is that one aileron is adjusted correctly but the other aileron travel is so that the downward travel is double the upward throw.

mawzthefinn commented 4 months ago

I've just tested and this is working correctly when I set it up, out of the box elevon mixing (2 ail, tail = none in wizard). Used -50% differential for more up than down on the default channel directions.

Out of the box, the radio is going to negative channel values for upwards moving surfaces. I tested on my X18, so I moved Aileron2 from Ch5 to Ch2 (for both mixes)

Full up elevator is -50% on both channels Full down elevator is 50% on both channels Full left aileron is -50% on Ch1, 25% on Ch2 Full right aileron is 25% on Ch1, -50% on Ch2

1.5.7 FCC

miggy1952 commented 4 months ago

Thanks Adam, I am at a bit of a loss here. I used the wizard to set up new flying wings with S6R and subsequently without stabilisation. And I am totally at sea! Please can you send me a screenshot or two?

mawzthefinn commented 4 months ago

Which receiver are you seeing issues with? You have to set up Elevon/Delta mixing completely differently with a Stabilized receiver than with a non-stabilized receiver, and it's not possible to configure Aileron Differential when using the stabilizer.

With a non-stabilized receiver, pick 2 aileron, tail = none in the Wizard. Differential will work

With a stabilized receiver, pick 1 aileron, 1 elevator, 1 rudder in the wizard as well as your receiver, then set the wing type to Delta in the SxR menu or SRx Lua (depending on specific receiver). Differential is not possible without using throw limits for both aileron and elevator.

miggy1952 commented 4 months ago

OK thanks, that helps. Not obvious as the setup allows you to use a stabilised receiver and the differential option is still available. Maybe a separate and different topic but INAV for example does allow stabilisation and aileron differential

mawzthefinn commented 4 months ago

It's not stabilization that doesn't allow differential, it's the delta & V-tail mixing on the stabilizers that doesn't. You can use differential just fine with 2 aileron wings and the stabilizer.

You will get differential showing whenever you have 2 ailerons in the mixer.

The limitation is in the stabilizer's limited mixing engine (which cannot configure different throws for ail/rud and ele) not the radio