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Information needed......The V3.0 Lua Stab tool #3

Open deeallcco opened 3 weeks ago

deeallcco commented 3 weeks ago

Information needed......The V3.0 Lua Stab tool instructions state "Note: The stabilized feature will turn invalid when the output values of the stick operations on these channels exceed the set values for the stick priority, or under the conditions in the set range of angle mode."

Obviously the first part of the sentence refers to the stabilization not having any output once the stick is past the priority set point. This is understood. However....

My question is about the second half of the sentence referring to angle mode. If beyond the stick priority set point...are the set angle limits ignored by the for example being able to loop while in self level with priority of the three surfaces set to 60%, stick at 100% deflection, elev angle limit set to 40 degrees? Thanks

FrSky-GX commented 3 weeks ago

The angle still changes according to the amount of the joystick movement,reach the set angle with full stick. But the stabilization effect disappears after reaching the stick priority point.

deeallcco commented 3 weeks ago

So you are saying the angle limit is NOT affected by the stick priority? Correct