FrSkyRC / RF_Feedback_Group

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Change "Data Rate" for ALL telemetry items #8

Open noamkrief opened 1 month ago

noamkrief commented 1 month ago

The telemetry from RX back to radio has a limited amount of bandwidth.

If you use something like an RB35S and add a few other sensors such as GPS, Pitot, FAS you quickly run out of bandwidth.

The result is that items that are set to send new data every 0.5 seconds, start sending every 4-5 seconds.

That quickly leads to frequent and annoying "lost sensor" warnings.

There seems to be some built in "priority" for telemetry items that is behind the scene that we have no control over. For example, VFR 2.4 always sends data fast even if other sensors are bogged down in this bandwidth traffic jam. It seems VFR 2.4 rightfully so has priority.

To relieve the bottleneck, you should allow us to decide the data rate. For example, on my RB35S, I would personally give Batt1 and Batt2 voltage a data rate of 1 every 5 seconds as there is no need to have a very rapid new data chewing up the bandwidth.

Ideally, it would be nice to be able to change data rate for any telemetry item. Ideally, it would be nice to control the priority.

Frsky - you must add this feature. Those with Xact servos and an RB35S cannot get the data to their radio. The bandwidth is too saturated.

Richrfl commented 1 month ago

This issue was reported a long time ago, and never addressed. I had this problem years ago when I noticed a long delay in the GPS data. However, I understand that this issue may not be easy to solve, but at least it would be nice to have a comment from the RF guys indicating if there is any possibility to fix this issue or not with the current communication protocol between TX and RX.