FractalUK / KSPInterstellar

KSP Instellar Mod for Kerbal Space Program
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Modules misfunctioning #51

Open ichaleynbin opened 9 years ago

ichaleynbin commented 9 years ago

image image image I have absolutely no idea what is causing this issue. I've removed all other mods except mechjeb, re-downloaded KSP Interstellar and reinstalled, even reinstalled KSP itself. When launched, no matter what variation on this I have setup, as long as it has an antimatter reactor on it, the antimatter reactor does not behave as an antimatter reactor should. It looks like a hybrid between antimatter and some kind of fusion reactor(Third image), not sure which. The plasma thruster does not respond to controls, KSP doesn't even recognize that it exists really, not as an engine, as can be seen in bottom left of first image. It simply thrusts (yes, it's actually thrusting on vacuum plasma in the atmosphere) without control. The plasma thruster also does not collide with the ground, which is the reason for the launch stability enhancers.

I literally had working plasma thrusters yesterday, I don't know what happened to them. Would appreciate help with this, as I'm not certain what's really going on here.

Olympic1 commented 9 years ago

are you using the fix from Wavefunction?

ichaleynbin commented 9 years ago

I am not, care to fill me in with the details please?

ichaleynbin commented 9 years ago

Nevermind, I found the fork, got it installed, and so far it seems to be doing the trick. Thanks for the heads up!

My new question is why Fractal's version was working yesterday, and broke while I was sleeping. But, I'll move any new issues I might have over to