FractalUK / KSPInterstellar

KSP Instellar Mod for Kerbal Space Program
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Antimatter Reactors and Science Lab Glitch #52

Closed xATHEISTxDEITYx closed 9 years ago

xATHEISTxDEITYx commented 9 years ago

At launch of any craft containing a Science Lab or an Antimatter Reactor, Surface Velocity will read 174.6 m/s before liftoff. After liftoff, no vertical speed is measured, but craft will fly into space regardless of engine setup. Attitude is difficult to control, and even cheating into orbit causes strange happenings. Using Mechjeb embedded and NearFuture mods in conjunction.

confusingbits commented 9 years ago

The official version here does not support the current version of ksp.

xATHEISTxDEITYx commented 9 years ago

Any plans on upgrading this mod? If not, is there a work-around?

confusingbits commented 9 years ago

I have a working version. You can watch the interstellar thread for updates.

Be sure to delete all the old files from the official version, including treeloader and ORS.

xATHEISTxDEITYx commented 9 years ago

Thanks, I'll give the experimental a shot and see how the parts react. Looking forward to really playing this mod!