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Retheme and Conversion tags as an alternative to Mod #15

Open nkissebe opened 1 year ago

nkissebe commented 1 year ago

Additional feature selector. I think a Mod should be a modification of a table within the title you are looking at. For other table modifications I thinking calling it RETHEME would be a more useful designation.

IPDB defines it as

Re-themed Game — A game for which the artwork was completely changed into another game with no intended connection to the first game, usually by completely stripping and then repainting the cabinet, playfield, and backglass, turning it into a custom one-of-a-kind game and given a new name. Typically, the mechanisms and game operation are not altered.

The other use case is just that someone used a table as a starting point to build another one. That might be more a CONVERSION. The reason we might care is in the options you have for exporting to CSV. Putting a MOD tag in the filename for rethemes and conversions is confusing.

sholafsson commented 1 year ago

It should be easy to see in the UI if a table uses the same ROMs as another table. A table using a rom can never be considered a an original.

Also "Original" for a recreation of an actual Pinball table is a misnomer to say the least. It falsely advertises the table as the brainchild of the Vpin creator and gives the wrong impression on where the table stems from This is applies particularly to the more recent "NOROM" tables.

nkissebe commented 1 year ago

Not sure I fully agree with either statement. I think the problem is everything becomes a Mod and the designation becomes meaningless. I like the term within a game title to know someone did their thing to improve it or do something a little different. But if the change is enough to give it a new title then I think a different designation is needed (retheme, conversion).

Original really just means its not an authentic recreation. I don't like anything to say (Stern 2005) unless its an actual attempt of some kind of recreation. If you throw different art on the table then its not that (Stern 2005) table. Now if its different art but of the same theme... then I don't know, gets pretty iffy to me.