FragLand / terracord

:evergreen_tree: A Discord <-> Terraria bridge plugin for TShock
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fully Customizable Messages #117

Closed Epikest closed 3 years ago

Epikest commented 3 years ago

Feature Description

ldilley commented 3 years ago

I am considering the removal of localization. Localization was originally implemented at the insistence of Visual Studio (the editor recommended moving certain hard-coded strings of text from the source to resource files instead). I used the opportunity to learn how the process works in C#. Rescinding localization would have the following benefits:

The disadvantages of this change are:

The documentation updates will also impact issue #111 and PR #113 which are assigned to @MicaelJarniac. Updating terracord.xml should not be a huge problem for users and some folks will likely be fond of the new customization options. Lastly, locale support (currency and number format, etc.) can continue to be maintained in Config.cs. Users will be free to translate the text in terracord.xml if desired using the new available customization options.

ldilley commented 3 years ago

Resolved in #118.