FragLand / terracord

:evergreen_tree: A Discord <-> Terraria bridge plugin for TShock
GNU General Public License v3.0
34 stars 14 forks source link

Unhandled Instances #41

Closed moisterrific closed 4 years ago

moisterrific commented 4 years ago

Instance A

Server enforcing mediumcore or higher characters:

Instance B

Banned player attempting to connect:


ldilley commented 4 years ago

Per our earlier Discord discussion today, @moisterrific, is instance B resolved then? You mentioned that bans are now getting relayed properly I believe. For instance A, we can check for a null or empty username and not relay it if either cases are true.

ldilley commented 4 years ago

Is this issue resolved with the latest commit (at the time of this reply), 23d806a?

moisterrific commented 4 years ago

Can confirm on my end the latest commit now handles both instances properly.

Difficulty check boot = no msg relayed Ban check boot = join and leave relayed

Very nice