upgrading reporting to use Allure Cucumber-JVM Adaptor - we had written our own listener before but there is now cucumber jvm support from Allure
This has required writing a new screenshot class in frameworkium-core
Stripped out the allure stuff from our cukesListener (frameworkium-core) and just used it for zephyr integration (renames to cucumberZephyrListener)
re writing the runner class templates - previously they didn't actually invoke BaseTest and test setup had to be written in a separate class - now it uses BaseTest
removed BrowserSetup.java - not needed since we are invoking baseTest now
removed duplicate dependencies that were already in frameworkium-core
updating runner generator plugin to the latest syntax
NOTE a new frameworkium-core release will be needed before this is merged back to master
NOTE a new frameworkium-core release will be needed before this is merged back to master