Framstag / libosmscout

Libosmscout is a C++ library for offline map rendering, routing and location lookup based on OpenStreetMap data
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how to import .shp file to this osmscout-database #797

Closed jialinxie closed 4 years ago

jialinxie commented 4 years ago

hi,i have a shp file which is worldbase map, image but when i export this shp to osm file, then use Import tool to import it to database, i got error following:

./Import --destinationDirectory ~/Documents/maps/world/ --typefile ../../stylesheets/map.ost ~/Documents/maps/worldbase.osm -d

Is there any advice to deal with these error? Thank you in advance!

Karry commented 4 years ago

Hi. Shapefiles doesn't holds OSM tags. From amount of warnings that you get, it seems that this file don't contains any object from Import point of view. It is not something that you want probably. But the main error is printed on last lines - ids in the file are not sorted!

jialinxie commented 4 years ago

thanks, Karry, i will add OSM tags to Shapefiles