FrancescoCeruti / linux-show-player

Linux Show Player - Cue player designed for stage productions
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Image assigning to cues and presets and radio features #211

Open clemradio opened 2 years ago

clemradio commented 2 years ago

Working in radio, I appreciate the new features of assigning colors to list cues as well, and text sizes. (see screenshot) Screenshot from 2021-10-16 18-39-33

I hope I'm not too annoying with my radio ideas, as it was firstly made for theater shows, and not for radio shows. Trust me, I love this software and all the effort put into it, and if I had the knowledge to do so, I would definitely have forked it already and made it more radio-like with radio features, and renamed it "Linux Radio Playout', "LiRP".

Congrats again for the app!

FrancescoCeruti commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback :)

An option in Cue Appearance settings could be the height of the cue line, to make the cues bigger like in the Zenon screenshot. That setting could also be there in presets.

I guess that a global setting will be more useful? We can have both :)

I think it could be great to assign an image (likely an icon) to presets, so like every cue with the preset "Songs" will have a CD icon to the right of the index number. (like shown below with Zenon-Media Send)

The icons make sense, there has already been a similar discussion about icons, but about having default ones based on the type of the cue.

For the other two suggestions, I don't see those being very useful for the main goal of the app, so I don't think I'll consider them for the time being, but, I'm not against having them if someone decides to implement them.

clemradio commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your reply.

I really wish I could help the project. Financially that won't be possible for me, and I don't have programming skills :( If one day I can help with something I can do I probably will.

For cue height, you're right, a global setting would be awesome. Maybe some users will want some cues to be smaller than the others, but in my opinion global setting could make it. I guess both the global setting option and individual cue setting are great.

I think icons for presets would be great. It could be, like cue name and cue description, considered as a cue appearance data, and then could be applied to multiple cues via presets.

But I think I've got an idea: when someone creates a new cue, it shows the 'type of cue' icon (so 📀, 🔊 or🎵 for audio cue, #️⃣ for an index cue, etc). But when a preset with an image loaded in its appearance settings is applied to the cue, then the preset image replaces the 'type of cue' icon. Do you understand what I mean? I think this could be a good compromise between the other topic and mine. Presets could still be applied to any cue without losing the 'type of cue' icon, as long as the preset doesn't have an image loaded in appearance settings.

What are your thoughts about this?

EDIT: In the Zenon-Media screenshot, we also see a big countdown in the last seconds of each cue before AutoNext fires up. I think that could be a great small feature in global settings with the percentage of the cue post-wait duration to show the countdown (so like if I have a 240seconds audio cue with a 200seconds post-wait time, when 90% of my post-wait is reached, a 20seconds countdown shows up to tell me that in 20 seconds the next cue will fire) and the minimum post wait duration for the percentage to be taken into consideration (if a post-wait is shorter than, let's say, 30 sec, the countdown will last the whole post-wait). If there's no AutoNext but just AutoFollow or DoNothing and the countdown is enabled, it will just apply the chosen percentage to the whole cue duration (unless a value is typed in the 'Wait before next cue' field under Pre/Post Wait tab, in this case, the percentage is applied to the PostWait value, even if AutoFollow or DoNothing is selected). An other feature idea that could be useful for theater show performers/technicians and radio hosts.