Francis0625 / Omni-SR

[CVPR2023] Implementation of ''Omni Aggregation Networks for Lightweight Image Super-Resolution".
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Thank you :) #13

Closed Phhofm closed 1 year ago

Phhofm commented 1 year ago

I just wanted to show real quick, chaiNNer had added OmniSR so people can simply upscale a single image with an OmniSR model using this gui application. We also started trying out this network by training our own models.

I recently trained a 2x OmniSR anime upscaling model that handles AVC (h264) compression. These are simply two examples

The model file can be found here. There is also another community trained OmniSR model released by musl before this one called 4x_ardo (example1, example2). I just thought it might be interesting for you to see that (and how) your network is being used, this is why I wrote this :) Thank you for your work :)

neuralchen commented 1 year ago

Good work