FrancisBaileyH / Lunar-Solar-Calendar

A lunar solar calendar for the iPhone
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Swift 3 #1

Open abhisek-acharya opened 7 years ago

abhisek-acharya commented 7 years ago

Hi Francis, I tried to run the code with Xcode 8 and swift 3, it throws numerous errors. I actually wanted to learn how to incorporate swiss ephemeris in swift. Do you have updated version of the code ? OR Could you show me a way to work around swiss ephemeris with swift ? I am really struggling with this.


FrancisBaileyH commented 7 years ago

Hi @oshorajneesh, no the code base is no longer maintained, so the last version supported would be swift 2.1. It's been awhile since I've worked on this project, but from what I remember you want to create a framework for the Swiss ephemeris library and a bridge header file once you've included that framework into your project. Once you've done that you can see the basic usage of the c functions here: