FrancisG-Massey / Capstone2016

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Terminology on "volunteer-admin" page #222

Closed FrancisG-Massey closed 7 years ago

FrancisG-Massey commented 7 years ago

On the volunteer admin page, references are made to "Trapline users". Given we're referring to them as volunteers elsewhere (as in, you click the "View Volunteers" button to access the page), wouldn't it make more sense to say "volunteers" rather than "trapline users"?

I'd suggest changing the heading from "Trapline User Admin" to "Volunteer Admin" and the default message displayed when no volunteers exist for a trapline from "No Trapline User exist:" to "There are no volunteers for this trapline yet", just to make the terminology a bit less technical-sounding for users.

MrMJLee commented 7 years ago

I realised this today and already commited with new changes. Sorry havent updated server yet.

MrMJLee commented 7 years ago

For the no volunteers message, I will change it now. 👻

MrMJLee commented 7 years ago

Closing this issue...