Open pri-14 opened 5 years ago
The last version of vue-pdf
supports Uint8Array
as pdf :src
I am using the latest version of vue-pdf 4.0.6 and still not getting results.
I'm getting same issue, but just with passing a local pdf to the component.
I had the same problem. if use a local pdf, the current solution is to use webpack's file-loader
Same for me. Normal local pdf as far as I can tell. Using 4.1.0
Any solution?
I tried local pdf in static directory, and proxy a pdf url. Both way the browser console show the warning and get a blank canvas.
I see that this issue is still open, has anyone came up with a solution please?
For me it got partially solved by clearing the cache.
My pdf is blank and showing warning : Indexing all pdf objects. My pdf contains Uint8Array(175899). Attached the console log screenshot
This is the code I am trying to run :
var base64ToString = function(base64) { var splitstring = base64.split("-"); return Buffer.from(splitstring, 'base64') } ;
var pdfData = base64ToString('25-50-44-46-2D-31-2E-34-0A-25-E2-E3-CF-D3-0A-38-32-20-30-20-6F...................
export default { components: { 'pdf': vuePdf, }, data() { console.log(pdfData);