FranckFreiburger / vue-pdf

vue.js pdf viewer
MIT License
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Blank canvas for one specific pdf #182

Open oliviervanbulck opened 5 years ago

oliviervanbulck commented 5 years ago

Vue-pdf v4.0.7 Vue v2.6.10

Problem on mac, but not on linux system.

One specific pdf gives a blank canvas, no problems with other pdfs, they are all showing.

philipclaesson commented 5 years ago

Hey Oliver! It is more likely someone will be able to help you debug this problem if you include the specific pdf which causes the error. Could you please include it?

oliviervanbulck commented 5 years ago

Hey Oliver! It is more likely someone will be able to help you debug this problem if you include the specific pdf which causes the error. Could you please include it?

Too bad that's not possible, as it contains private information.

FranckFreiburger commented 5 years ago

can you try, with your mac, your pdf file at

oliviervanbulck commented 5 years ago

Just tried that, works perfectly.