FranckFreiburger / vue3-sfc-loader

Single File Component loader for Vue2 and Vue3. Load .vue files directly from your HTML. No node.js environment, no build step.
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export * from './path' fails to load the requested module into moduleCache #168

Closed wduffy closed 5 months ago

wduffy commented 7 months ago

When a module being loaded includes an export * from './path' which has not already been imported to the moduleCache, the loader fails with error

require("./path") failed. module not found in moduleCache

To Reproduce To reproduce this behaviour import the following file tree within a .vue file import * as x from './src/a.mjs'

This will result in the error Error: require("PATH/B.mjs") failed. module not found in moduleCache

export * from "./b.mjs"
export * from "./c.mjs"
export * from "./d.mjs"

export function Wowza(name) {
    alert(`WOWZA, ${name}`)

export { }

const d = { letter: "D" }
export { d }

Expected behaviour I expect the loader to pre-empt the use of the export * from (b.mjs, c.mjs, d.mjs) modules exposed via './src/a.mjs' and resolve them to the moduleCache.


Additional context For now I manually pre-assess the response in getFile(path) to regex match any export from './path'. I then inject an import as x from './path' before the export. This resolves the problem (I believe because vue3-sfc-loader then pre-empts the usage of that module and resolves it to the moduleCache before proceeding). This is the code I use in getFile.

async getFile(url) {
    //console.log("getFile", url)

    url = /\.(js|mjs|css|less|vue)$/.test(url) ? url : `${url}.${url.startsWith(window.location.origin) ? "vue" : "js"}`
    const type = /.*?\.js|.mjs$/.test(url) ? ".mjs" : /.*?\.vue$/.test(url) ? '.vue' : /.*?\.css$/.test(url) ? '.css' : '.vue';

    const fetched = await fetch(url);
    if (!fetched.ok)
        throw Object.assign(new Error(`${fetched.statusText} ${url}`), { fetched });

    const getContentData = async asBinary => {
        let content = await (asBinary ? fetched.arrayBuffer() : fetched.text());

        // vue3-sfc-loader fails to import before attempting an [export * from "./path"] with ""
        // prefixing any with an import statement to populate the moduleCache
        if (!asBinary && content.includes("export * from")) {
            const matches = content.matchAll(/export \* from (['"])([^'"]+)['"];?/g)
            for (const match of matches) {
                var module = options.pathResolve({ refPath: url, relPath: match[2] })
                if (!options.moduleCache[module]) {
                    content = content.replace(match[0], `import * as vueLoaderExportSupport${match.index} from ${match[1]}${match[2]}${match[1]}\n${match[0]}\n`)

        return content;

    return { getContentData, type }

the above fix changes ./Src/a.mjs to the following, which stops the error occurring

import * as vueLoaderExportSupport1 from "./b.mjs"
export * from "./b.mjs"
import * as vueLoaderExportSupport2 from "./c.mjs"
export * from "./c.mjs"
import * as vueLoaderExportSupport3 from "./d.mjs"
export * from "./d.mjs"
FranckFreiburger commented 5 months ago

Hi wduffy, I've pinpointed the problem. This will be fixed in the next release.