FranckFreiburger / vue3-sfc-loader

Single File Component loader for Vue2 and Vue3. Load .vue files directly from your HTML. No node.js environment, no build step.
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TypeError: (intermediate value) is not iterable #195

Open dong-sir opened 4 days ago

dong-sir commented 4 days ago

Describe the bug

Follow the compiledCache option in docx/

compiledCache: {
    set(key, str) {

        // naive storage space management
        for (; ;) {

            try {

                // doc:
                window.localStorage.setItem(key, str);
            } catch (ex) {

                // handle: Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'XXX' exceeded the quota

    get(key) {

        return window.localStorage.getItem(key);

To Reproduce


    <div id="app"></div>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

        const options = {
            moduleCache: {
                vue: Vue
            async getFile(url) {

                const res = await fetch(url);
                if (!res.ok)
                    throw Object.assign(new Error(res.statusText + ' ' + url), { res });
                return {
                    getContentData: asBinary => asBinary ? res.arrayBuffer() : res.text(),
            addStyle(textContent) {

                const style = Object.assign(document.createElement('style'), { textContent });
                const ref = document.head.getElementsByTagName('style')[0] || null;
                document.head.insertBefore(style, ref);
            compiledCache: {
                set(key, str) {

                    // naive storage space management
                    for (; ;) {

                        try {

                            // doc:
                            window.localStorage.setItem(key, str);
                        } catch (ex) {

                            // handle: Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'setItem' on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'XXX' exceeded the quota

                get(key) {

                    return window.localStorage.getItem(key);

        const { loadModule } = window['vue3-sfc-loader'];

        const app = Vue.createApp({
            components: {
                'my-component': Vue.defineAsyncComponent(() => loadModule('./myComponent.vue', options))
            template: '<my-component></my-component>'




Expected behavior


Additional context

Here's where the problem might be.

if ( valueStr !== undefined )