FranckFreiburger / vue3-sfc-loader

Single File Component loader for Vue2 and Vue3. Load .vue files directly from your HTML. No node.js environment, no build step.
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use babel source instead of babel packages (@babel/*) #7

Open FranckFreiburger opened 3 years ago

FranckFreiburger commented 3 years ago

I would like to embed babel using source version ( instead of packaged version (npm @babel/*) in order to benefits of a better (webpack) tree-shaking (@babel/* is cjs whereas is mjs/ts) and to reduce final bundle size.

I need to make TypeScript to resolve any node_modules/@babel/* to node_modules/babel/packages/babel-*/src

I tried with compilerOptions.paths with no success :

    paths: {
        '@babel/code-frame': ['babel/packages/babel-code-frame/src'],

Is there a trick to make any require to @babel/* to point to babel/packages/babel-*/src ?

BTW, In the webpack configuration file, I use:

resolve: {
    alias: {
        '@babel/code-frame': 'babel/backages/babel-code-frame/src',

and I'm looking for the equivalent for typescript.

Toilal commented 3 years ago

I think aliases should also be defined in tsconfig in this case.

I'm not sure this kink of wildcard expression is supported though ...

FranckFreiburger commented 3 years ago

(AFAIK) TypeScript cannot import flow files. My only option is to wait the resolution of Migrate Babel from Flow to TypeScript PR.

related stackoverflow question