FranckFreiburger / vue3-sfc-loader

Single File Component loader for Vue2 and Vue3. Load .vue files directly from your HTML. No node.js environment, no build step.
MIT License
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IE11 error "SCRIPT5017" when load vue2-sfc-loader.js #75

Closed wallance-zhang closed 3 years ago

wallance-zhang commented 3 years ago

Hi Franck,

I build my own version(to support IE11) use the {"browserslist": "> 1%, last 2 versions, not ie <= 10"} and {"browserslist": "defaults"}, but in IE11 always encounter js error SCRIPT5017 point to the line "vue2-sfc-loader.js (9,360569)" this error point to the
parse() { this.enterInitialScopes();

what can I do to fix this issue?

Thanks, Wallace

wallance-zhang commented 3 years ago

Hi guys,

I point the exact issue at @babel/parser->lib->index.js: const keywordRelationalOperator = /in(?:stanceof)?/y; IE doesn't recognize "/y", this express is packaged into vue2-sfc-loader.js.

FranckFreiburger commented 3 years ago

@babel/plugin-transform-sticky-regex (

NOTE: This plugin is included in @babel/preset-env

AFAIU babel should transform this according to the browserlist. We should check if node_modules/** files are properly processed through babel-loader.

wallance-zhang commented 3 years ago

Hi Franck,

Thanks for your help, but the issue is always here. as you mention I add some babel plugin in webpack.config.js: presets: [ ...!noPresetEnv ? [ [ '@babel/preset-env', { useBuiltIns: 'entry', // corejs: { version: 3, proposals: true }, targets: { browsers: targetsBrowsers, }, } ] ] : [], ], plugins: [ "@babel/plugin-transform-duplicate-keys", "@babel/plugin-transform-sticky-regex" ], } @in web.config set the browserslit: "browserslist": "ie 11, not dead",

But the js error is not fixed, could you please test the vue3-sfc-loader.js under IE 11?

FranckFreiburger commented 3 years ago

unable to find a decent RegExp polyfill that handles sticky (y) flag (eg. RegExp("in(?:stanceof)?","y"))

FranckFreiburger commented 3 years ago

... and

FranckFreiburger commented 2 years ago


wallance-zhang commented 2 years ago

Hi Franck, I appreciate your kindly feedback,thanks for your help. It works well under IE11 apply your example. :)