FranckFreiburger / vue3-sfc-loader

Single File Component loader for Vue2 and Vue3. Load .vue files directly from your HTML. No node.js environment, no build step.
MIT License
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TypeError: t is not a function #95

Closed marxangels closed 2 years ago

marxangels commented 2 years ago

version 0.8.4


FranckFreiburger commented 2 years ago

please provide a minimalist testcase

marxangels commented 2 years ago



import foo from '/lib/bar.js'
export default { }
marxangels commented 2 years ago

@FranckFreiburger it seems the error is caused by the import statement, whatever the script content is.

FranckFreiburger commented 2 years ago

please give your entry point file (the file where you call loadModule()

marxangels commented 2 years ago


import '/vue/vue3-sfc-loader.js'

const {loadModule} = window['vue3-sfc-loader']

const options = {
    moduleCache: {vue: Vue},
    async getFile(url) {
        let res = await fetch(url)
        if (!res.ok) throw new Error(res.statusText + ' ' + url)
        let content = await res.text()
        return url.endsWith(".js") ? {content, extname: ".mjs"} : content
    addStyle(textContent) {
        const style = Object.assign(document.createElement('style'), {textContent})
        const ref = document.head.getElementsByTagName('style')[0] || null
        document.head.insertBefore(style, ref)

export default function (url) {
    return Vue.defineAsyncComponent(() => loadModule(url, options))

@FranckFreiburger is there something wrong?

FranckFreiburger commented 2 years ago

yes, your getFile() is not up to date.

see and

marxangels commented 2 years ago

Great! It works fine. Thank you, Franck.