FranckLab / FIDVC

Fast Iterative Digital Volume Correlation Algorithm
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Rigid Registration Pre-Processing #15

Closed MColasurdo closed 7 years ago

MColasurdo commented 7 years ago

Does the FIDVC algorithm perform any rigid registration pre-processing to align the two volumes prior to their cross-correlation? If not, is this something that could/should be done prior to implementing FIDVC to enhance accuracy of FIDVC? Thanks!

mohakpatel commented 7 years ago

No, FIDVC does not do any rigid registration pre-processing. However, if the rigid displacement is small, registration in pre-processing step is not needed.

The displacements result from FIDVC will have true displacement + rigid displacement added in them. An effective way to remove this rigid displacement is by subtracting each component of displacement with mean or median displacement.

I hope this helps.

Best, Mohak