Francklin2 / RTKLIB_Touchscreen_GUI

RTKLIB GUI for Raspberry Pi with touchscreen made with Qt by the ENSG students
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Can't compil #15

Closed Stefal closed 7 years ago

Stefal commented 8 years ago

Hi ! I can't compil RTKBASE on my Raspberry Pi 2. Here is the logs:

kikislater commented 8 years ago

Sorry, need to investigate ... Which system do you have on your Pi ?

Stefal commented 8 years ago

I have the raspbian image linked in the Raspbian 7 (Wheezy)

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

I tried on the same image It load some dependencies and compile rtklib , but the building of rtkbase still dont work ( send you the logs). I can try to lauch the qtcreator install to see which library are required for the raspberry (if qtcreator is installed, the script works)

kikislater commented 8 years ago

Yes I think a libqt4-xxx is missing

kikislater commented 8 years ago

I think it's this one : libqt4-dev-bin but on each of my machine included virtualmachine I have Qt-designer installed because I work with it. Dependencies of libqt4-designer is :


So should be one of these but regarding log files seems to be a C++ problem ... may be generated by a different revision of c++ Could you send me the output of gcc -v

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

I try to install these dependencies but tey where already installed but not upgraded, i try a apt-get update/upgrade to be sure , I send tou the return of the gcc -v by mail

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

I followed the install instruction of the wiki to copy files properly, so with qtcreator installed it compile with the script or Qtcreator. If some are still stuck with compiling the program ,This is a link to a pré-compiled version for pi :

kikislater commented 8 years ago

Ok so we can add qtcreator as a dependency for a temporary workaround ? After qtcreator installed, does the script is working ?

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

To confirm that with the disk image for touchscreen I will reinstall it this weekend (I play a lot with this install...) but it should work with qtcreator as a dependency

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

With only QTcreator installed, it still not compile with the build script, In qtcreator I have to configure first the gcc toolchain before compiling(didn't do it yet), Perhaps it was the problem, This evening I will configure Qtcreator toolchain and compiler to see if the build script workafter that

kikislater commented 8 years ago

Ok ! Did you notice that I have modified the script with commenting this line and adding comment to test with pi2 ? :

LC_ALL=C #>>>> TEST MODIF pour build pi2

Did you try with this ?

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

Yes I used that version,I'm trying to configure tcreator and saw in this tuto , perhaps you will find something interesting in there

kikislater commented 8 years ago

Yes thank you, I saw that :
Then set compiler path : /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-4.6

That's what I asked last time by mail but you send me only your desktop configuration : Tell me what you see here : In Qtcreator go to Tools -> Options..-> Build & Run -> Compilers

kikislater commented 8 years ago

I saw also this dependency : qt4-dev-tools And there are lot of dependies with this package =>

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

Yes I install them all with no success, I also tried to compile with qtcreator and get the same error, I saw this in a read me file : Using QCustomPlot as shared library .so/.dll Using a shared library means to not include the .h/.cpp file into your project, but linking with an external (GNU/Linux) or qcustomplot.dll (MSWindows) file. QCustomPlot is ready to be built as a shared library by setting the compiler define QCUSTOMPLOT_COMPILE_LIBRARY. To use the shared library in your application, set the define QCUSTOMPLOT_USE_LIBRARY before including the QCustomPlot header.

The sharedlib package in the download section provides two projects that demonstrate this: one compiles the shared QCustomPlot library and the other uses the shared library. This should quickly get you started using QCustomPlot as a shared library.

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

Finaly Until we found the trick, I upload the Raspbian image with the working Qt4, I update the and the wiki with the new link:

kikislater commented 8 years ago

So what there is in the iso @Francklin2 ? Raspbian image only or Raspbian and RTKlib touchscreen ? Does the previous image a bad iso ?

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

The previous iso was the Raspian image with touchscreen only we use before adding Qt4, but I don't remenber how we did to make it compile so I put a iso of the working one we get at the end (the one where the building script and Qt4 works)

kikislater commented 8 years ago

Ok !

kikislater commented 7 years ago

sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev sudo apt-get install libqt4-core sudo apt-get install libqt4-gui sudo apt-get install libqt4-xml sudo apt-get install libqt4-opengl

Corrected dependencies above