Francklin2 / RTKLIB_Touchscreen_GUI

RTKLIB GUI for Raspberry Pi with touchscreen made with Qt by the ENSG students
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Components for the project #36

Open cboscaro opened 6 years ago

cboscaro commented 6 years ago

Good morning. I wanted to ask if you can give me an updated list of the best components (Hardware) to buy to carry out the project.

Best regards

Francklin2 commented 6 years ago

Hello I check the links on the (end of first page) for the components and they all seemed to work, they are still up to date but you should take a raspberry pi 3 instead of the raspberry î 2 to be compatible with the new post processing version

Best regards Francklin

cboscaro commented 6 years ago

Thanks Francklin. I installed it on raspberry 3 and it works fine. Thank you. Cristian

foxittt commented 6 years ago

Hello. Is it possible to obtain different corrections via USB 3G modem?

Francklin2 commented 6 years ago

Yes if you have a internet connexion via 3G you can acces to correction, just make sure that you 3G usb is compatible with linux and you will have to install drivers and utility for it

foxittt commented 6 years ago

Is Pré-installed image of RTKbase with March 2018 update compatible with Pi3?

Francklin2 commented 6 years ago

For the moment there is only one pre-installed image for RP3 here :+1: but the version is before the 2018 updates so you will have to update the sources files from the github and perhaps update QT4 to QT5 if it doesn't compile, I will try to update the RPI3 images for nxt month

foxittt commented 6 years ago

I cant compile. I`ll wait for your update

Francklin2 commented 6 years ago

I'm working on a new image but you can try this:

Francklin2 commented 6 years ago

I also have some problem with the new RPI3B+ : the Jessie distrib doesnt boot on it and the new stretch is booting on the RPI3B+ but installing QT5 on it is not easy, if I do on a fresh image ,: sudo apt-get install qtcreator qt5-default I can compile but the part of rtkbase about post processing wrote in qt5 is not working (it's ok on desktop).

foxittt commented 6 years ago

The utility for USB 3G modem wants admiistrative password. Can you write it?

Francklin2 commented 6 years ago

Wich utility is it ? I saw there is differents one depending on USB 3G dongle model. I updated the spurces and it should build on rpi3 now , so I can start to work on new image now

cg-david commented 6 years ago

Small feedback from here. We used the GoogleDrive link in the wiki for a Raspi 3. Booted flawlessly, boot screen came up and everything worked fine. We have two ublox C84-M8P-3 and want to use one as base, the other as rover. My student will connect the ublox to the Raspbi tomorrow and see how far she gets.

@Francklin2 would you think your build would work out of the box for this setup, or do we need to install / compile more? We just need a decent and stable build, not the very latest.

Francklin2 commented 6 years ago

Hello The image for the rpi3 should have the last stable version, you don't have to compile more things on it. Just check if your Ublox M8T is well configured , you can follow the wiki for that part For the link between rover and base you may have to use the custom presets if the default configuration dont transmit data

foxittt commented 6 years ago

Hello How to config RTKbase for NV08C-CSM?

Francklin2 commented 6 years ago

In gnss protocol setting you have to set NVS instead UBX (you can try with custom config or change the conf files)

cg-david commented 6 years ago

@Francklin2 We use Ublox M8P. Will the setup be the same? We also did a first test with ublox-center under windows. The base station did not receive a FIX, but the rover did after some time. Even in FLOAT, the rover was quite accurate (below decimeter) in lat/lon and okay (decimeter) in height. Does the base station need to be in RTK-FIX-mode? I am not exactly a geographer, only civil engineer and newby to this topic.

Also, would you only go for GPS and GLONASS, or could we also use BeiDou satellites for RTKLIB?

foxittt commented 6 years ago

As I know, NV08C requies some command after starting for raw data sending. How can I send theese commands to receiver?

Francklin2 commented 6 years ago

You have to edit the .conf file and put the path of your cmd file in file-cmdfile1 field You can take a look here to see about rtklib and nv08c

Francklin2 commented 6 years ago

@cg-david Thank's for the report about your results(sub decimeter is very good!!), I think the M8P should work out the box (I think SFRBX is enabled) .If you have to find the base position, you can try the post processing to log raw and get base position by post processing.

foxittt commented 6 years ago

@Francklin2 I tryed to edit the .conf file and put the path of your cmd file in file-cmdfile1 field, but nothing succeeded. NVS didn`t send raw data. Please, send me .conf file NVS has 115200 -8 - odd - 1 format

Francklin2 commented 6 years ago

You have to change these 2 lines in your conf files: inpstr1-format =nvs # (0:rtcm2,1:rtcm3,2:oem4,3:oem3,4:ubx,5:ss2,6:hemis,7:skytraq,8:gw10,9:javad,10:nvs,11:binex,12:rt17,15:sp3) file-cmdfile1 =../../../data/nvs_raw_10hz.txt

then create a data folder in RTKBASE , download the zip file from there : and copy the 2 nvs_raw_1hz.txt files in the data folder

Here is a conf file for nvs

foxittt commented 6 years ago

@Francklin2 Unfortunately, nothing happens. RTKBASE persistently does not see the stream from the receiver. I do not know where to look anymore.

Francklin2 commented 6 years ago

Ok to do faster tests we can try first with rtknavi under windows to see if the NV08C got everything to run rtklib. after you can look at the rtknavi conf file to see what was the good setting. check also wich port is used by the NV08C with ls /dev/tty* (can be AMA0 or USB0) . try to put the abssolut path to the cmd file

foxittt commented 6 years ago

Hello. Is there news about the new version of RTKBase and the use of NV0C-CSM receivers?