Francklin2 / RTKLIB_Touchscreen_GUI

RTKLIB GUI for Raspberry Pi with touchscreen made with Qt by the ENSG students
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Selection of auto or manual base position is not working #5

Closed Francklin2 closed 8 years ago

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

Only added the radiobuttion to optionsstr2str.ui . I have to put a if condition to select position file in affichestr2str.cpp

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

I put a filename option in affichestr2str to switch between the 2 position filenames, but it dont work I"m not sure the PositionMode variable from optionsstr2str.cpp is shared

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

Changed the déclaration of the positionMode définition in optionsstr2str.h to be accessible in affichestr2str.cpp, It was déclared like this: in optionstr2str.cpp: `#include "optionsstr2str.h"

include "ui_optionsstr2str.h"

include "affichestr2str.h"



int PositionMode; in optionsstr2str.h: #ifndef OPTIONSSTR2STR_H



extern int PositionMode;` Now there is no more error "PositionMode was not declared" in affichePositionMode.cpp in the compilator, so I guess the variable PositionMode is accessible by affichestr2str.cpp. in affichestr2str.cpp I tried a if/else condition on PositionMode to select filename but in that case , only the first condition is token (auto mode for PositionMode=1),.

`{ args=arga; ui->setupUi(this); /Displays in FullScreen/ this->setWindowFlags(Qt::Window); this->showFullScreen();

/*pick up Base Position from last recorded in rover mode*/

 QString filenamebase;


if (PositionMode = 1) {filenamebase = "sauvegardepourbase.txt"; } else {filenamebase = "sauvegardepourbaseManual.txt";}


int i=0;
QStringList list;
QFile fichierlastpositionforbase(filenamebase); | QIODevice::Text);
QTextStream flux(&fichierlastpositionforbase);
QString ligne;
while(! flux.atEnd())
    ligne = flux.readLine();


If I put a 2 if like this, it will only take the second condition (manual mode for PositionMode=2). ` {

`if (PositionMode = 1) {filenamebase = "sauvegardepourbase.txt";}

if (PositionMode = 2) {filenamebase = "sauvegardepourbaseManual.txt";}`

} `

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

I found the mistake I have to put

`if (PositionMode == 1)

Instead of

`if (PositionMode = 1)

kikislater commented 8 years ago

Eheh, so basic but you found it !

Francklin2 commented 8 years ago

Yes it was quite basic but sometime the harder to see :)))

It"s functionnal now so I can close this issue (just doing a few graphics modifications)