FrancoisBlavoet / Draw

A Draw app for Android designed by Marie Schweiz & developed by François Blavoet
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Build problem #15

Closed dalb8 closed 10 years ago

dalb8 commented 10 years ago

I'm trying to build using master and ABS 4.4.0, but I get Output: /home/gerry/build/com.interactive.stroke.draw/draw/build/res/all/release/values/values.xml:818: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.Sherlock.Light.Dialog'.

FrancoisBlavoet commented 10 years ago


TLDR : update to the last version (from 2 minutes ago) it should work just fine now.

longer explanation if you are curious : when I started this project, I used ActionBar Sherlock in order to make it available to old terminals. I implemented some customizations on top of it as well.
However, in version 4.4, ABS dropped support for DialogFragment (which made some sense, their goal was not to support all new features).
So if you really wanted to build, you would have to download ABS 4.3 (or whatever is the last version with DialogFragment and maybe redo my small modifications on your side as well ....
1- it is too much trouble. 2- 2.x & 3.0 are small enough now that I don't care if I support them or not. Also, I rely on zoom & rotations features that appeared with 4.0 and are not backportable. So I took half an hour in order to get rid of ABS and set the minimum api level to 14. It was surprinsingly easy (which does credit to ABS).

Let me know if you have other trouble. I recommend you to use my version of HoloColorPicker, but it should normally work with the original one as well, minus a couple of features.

dalb8 commented 10 years ago

Working well now, thanks. Love the canvas rotation.