FrancoisBlavoet / Draw

A Draw app for Android designed by Marie Schweiz & developed by François Blavoet
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Brush Size & Opacity #5

Open MarieSchweiz opened 11 years ago

MarieSchweiz commented 11 years ago

Main Feature - pretty important. In landscape mode visible in our actionbar in portrait mide underneath the actionbar.

on smaller tablets like a Nexus 7 just in Portrait mode.

assets are missed Bildschirmfoto 2013-03-11 um 14 04 21

MarieSchweiz commented 11 years ago

settings for brush or eraser are not global. (seeker bars)

MarieSchweiz commented 11 years ago

Our Seeker bars need a improovement how we handle brush sizes. Just a value from 0 to 100 isn't useful. We need dynamical steps for both, transparency and size. brushes_seeker

FrancoisBlavoet commented 11 years ago

I have added this a couple of days ago in commit 7f65f4ad68423a240a61c49b8f33bfd57ccf18cd . The brush size is now independent of the density and the size of the more you move the sliders, the bigger the steps get. Tell me if that implementation if ok for you or if you want me to improve the dynamic a little bit.

MarieSchweiz commented 11 years ago

Yeha it's actually not "perfect" need more thin :) And more opacity.

MarieSchweiz commented 11 years ago

seeker weights brushsize