FrancoisGuillem / combineWidgets

An R packages to combine htmlwidgets
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Responsive Behavior #1

Open jbkunst opened 7 years ago

jbkunst commented 7 years ago

Hi @cuche27 !

Great package!

I think it's better place to keep the discussion here.

About the question in ramnathv/htmlwidgets/pull/245. Yes, I'm referencing to change automatically the layout if the screen size change.

timelyportfolio commented 7 years ago

@jbkunst, agreed, but assuming @cuche27 confirms, I think this behavior is outside the scope of the flex solution provided by combineWidgets. In that case, I think you are much better off using a grid-based CSS framework, such as Bootstrap, but I could easily be completely wrong :)

FrancoisGuillem commented 7 years ago

Indeed, my first intention was to fill all the space available and to have an easy way to specify how to share it between widgets. The idea was to have something similar to par(mfrow=c(x,y)) for htmlwidgets.

Anyway, the idea is interesting and I will think about it !