Qtpy is required by QDarkStyle. Musr2py can't be downloaded through a conda channel so you need to use pip.
Also updating the github test action to run on all three os's and a couple versions of python (so cool you can do this)
Checklist before merging your PR
[x] I have tagged the relevant issues in this PR
[x] I have performed a self-review of my code
[x] I have documented my code as necessary for clarity
[x] I have ensured the tests are passing
[x] I have written or updated tests as necessary
[x] I have updated the README if necessary
[x] I have checked any security advisories brought up by the CodeQL action
Describe your changes
Qtpy is required by QDarkStyle. Musr2py can't be downloaded through a conda channel so you need to use pip. Also updating the github test action to run on all three os's and a couple versions of python (so cool you can do this)
Checklist before merging your PR