FrankBerrocal / BigSnowMan

DevOps project to develop PM tools
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Assumptions (reference) #31

Open FrankBerrocal opened 1 year ago

FrankBerrocal commented 1 year ago

Documentation of all assumptions is required for academic purposes.

FrankBerrocal commented 1 year ago
  1. The PMO matrix structure is described completely, however, as described in the ERD, only the CORE will be developed along with all associated tools. Expansion containing Risk, Coms and Stakeholders will be developed if the time is enough.
  2. The project will be managed under a scrum methodology. Main products include backlog, user stories, scrum meetings, and this Kanban chart with all requirements.
  3. Web interface will be simple, I cannot dedicate too much time to the external part. I am not taking UI class and Im also working on Mac.
  4. The PMO works under programs, and has several projects under each one.
  5. Each project has staff assigned, and the PMO uses a matrix organizational structure.
  6. A database and a system administrator are in charge of main technical aspects.
  7. Each program has a program Manager, all are under the PMO manager. Each program has Program Analysts assigned.
  8. For each Knowledge Area, exists a specialized department that provides support to each project, they are not bound by program.
FrankBerrocal commented 1 year ago
  1. C# layer will be used for security, calculation, and validation. Originally, SQL would be used as data repository only, but since the inclusion of the new Stakeholder, a request to replicate calculation and data validation in SQL has been made. This will create redundancy, and only accepted calculations will be accepted and stored.
FrankBerrocal commented 1 year ago

Due to time restrictions, deliver minimum viable products. Respect the most important features. Start with features, move to their connections, and incorporate user stories one by one. All that information should be included in the backlog and replicated on this Kanban. Deliver functionality, not perfection.

FrankBerrocal commented 1 year ago

Stakeholders, Risk, and Communications will be included in a next release (for academic purposes, that means if I have enough time). My MVP includes Tools, calculations, Project, Scope, Schedule, and Cost.

FrankBerrocal commented 1 year ago

The customer wants to be able to recover all the database in case of disaster. DRP should be suggested, including backup and restore plan (full backup proposed).

Also, he wants multiple people working on the database at the same time without excess waiting time (snapshot proposed).

FrankBerrocal commented 1 year ago

DBA wants snapshot isolation and full backup.

FrankBerrocal commented 1 year ago

DBA wants all the tables organized by schema. Permissions should will be granted by role, and general permissions to schemas.

FrankBerrocal commented 1 year ago

DBA indicates all elements in the database should self-document. All should make reference to its parent and object type.

FrankBerrocal commented 1 year ago

The customer wants to receive constant updates on the development of the products, to approve them or request changes if needed. They work with structured pm methodology (PMI), so they understand they will not wait to the end to see a finished product. (Customer wants an agile process). We agree Scrum.

FrankBerrocal commented 1 year ago

DBA admin, will have access to everything. The only people working with Project and Tools; Reading in Project, and Writing in Tools, are the Program Analysts.

FrankBerrocal commented 1 year ago

Analyst can create a tool, without needing the calculations. That means all FKs should allow null, so the record exists first.


FrankBerrocal commented 1 year ago

In my system, when one of the lines (records) of the reports (tools) is created, all the associated metrics are created with the same ID number. So, when a record is created, all the calculations are set to be created at the same time.

FrankBerrocal commented 1 year ago

I should be able to create a project before all the tools (reports) have been created. Because in a real environment the project can exists before the metrics.

FrankBerrocal commented 1 year ago

Initial output
