FrankBijnen / ExifToolGui

A GUI for ExifTool
GNU General Public License v3.0
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REST request failed: Error sending data: (12175) on “m 'Modify/Update City, Province, Country from GPS coordinates” #358

Closed apprenti-sorcier closed 4 months ago

apprenti-sorcier commented 4 months ago

Thank you for reviving the ExifToolGUI.

I’m using the latest ExifTool 12.79 and GUI 6.3.0 (tried on the installer or the portable versions) on Windows 7 Home 64 bits French.

I activated all geocoding from the preferences and I added an API key for I used the same key on their website and it works.

However, every time I use the “Modify/Update City, Province, Country from GPS coordinates” function with Geocode or Overpass, I get this error box and the reverse geocoding doesn’t work. Image du presse-papiers

Then the Geolocation window appears, but it has no data. When I select from the drop‐down list country, city… there is a second error: Image du presse-papiers (1) stacktrace.txt

This kind of second error also appears if I select first another provider like Overpass or even the ExifTool geolocation feature from the list.

If is relevant in any way, the new ExifTool geolocation feature works well from the command line.

FrankBijnen commented 4 months ago

Bonjour. (Je peux lire Francais!)

With Windows 7 it is hard to get this function working. I managed somehow, but I'm not sure what made the difference and I dont recommend it. What seemed to make a difference is the 'TLS version' It needs at least Version 1.2.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\WinHttp]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\WinHttp\Passport Test]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\WinHttp\Tracing]

As a workaround you can use the Geocode provider 'Exiftool geocode'. That doesn't need Internet, webservices etc. See the screenshots. Edit: You may have to restart ExifToolGui to get rid of the errors!

geocode geocode 2


apprenti-sorcier commented 4 months ago

Merci Frank. Ça a fonctionné avec cette modification. Je devrais prendre le temps de mettre à jour mon Windows !

FrankBijnen commented 4 months ago

De rien. Avec quelle modification?

Je vais fermer le 'issue'. D'accord?

apprenti-sorcier commented 4 months ago

✓ TLS 1.2 (

FrankBijnen commented 4 months ago

En Anglais maintenant.

Did you have a look at the French translation? And what do you think? As i said I can read French, but I have no idea if the translation is good or not.

Merci Frank

FrankBijnen commented 4 months ago

✓ TLS 1.2 (

Ah. Tres bien...