FrankensteinVariorum / fv-collation

first-stage collation processing in the Frankenstein Variorum Project. For post processing and Variorum development, see our GitHub organization:
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Adjustments needed to spines #58

Closed raffazizzi closed 5 years ago

raffazizzi commented 5 years ago

Assessment based on spine_C10

PS this is how spine_C10.xml looked in CDMX

ebeshero commented 5 years ago

@raffazizzi Here's a spinal readjustment for C-10:

(Note: I renamed the file in case we need to debug it. The old one is still in place at spine_C10.xml) A number of <app> elements disappeared this round because in the up-conversion process to make <seg> hotspots, I eliminated all that came from invariant <app>s. So this spine should be more streamlined.

ebeshero commented 5 years ago

@raffazizzi All of my C10 edition files are up-converted and ready for pointing. They are in the same directory as before for Mexico City:

ebeshero commented 5 years ago

@raffazizzi However, at the moment we still only have C10. We'll figure the rest out for the full novel, but not in time for this talk.

ebeshero commented 5 years ago

@raffazizzi Well! I figured out what I was doing wrong, reprocessed everything, set the proper <seg> markers and upconverted the entire novel! w00t!!!!

SO, that changes things a bit. I reconstructed the spine files for all 33 "chunks" here:

The old spine from July 23 is in a different directory now in case we want to look at it (orig_standoff_Spine). As I mentioned earlier, the new spine files produced in this later stage will not contain the invariant <app> elements that the first spine did.

The complete novel edition files are now ready (yaaayyyy!) here:

Take a look and let's see if this spine will work! Currently the spine I generated is pointing at my local versions of the S-GA files, so I think you now run your script to build the S-GA pointers...I hope it works!!!

raffazizzi commented 5 years ago

@ebeshero Thanks for all this work and hurrah for figuring the <seg>s out!

The links in the spine are incorrect, but it should be simple to fix in the processing. Example from C21:

<rdg wit="#f1818"><ptr target=""/>

should be <rdg wit="#f1818"><ptr target=""/>

ebeshero commented 5 years ago

Thanks for catching that, @raffazizzi !

ebeshero commented 5 years ago

Closing here because we're now generating spines in the fv-postProcessing repo, and will check the status of spines again there.