Franpin / TopoLogic

An Interpretable Pipeline for Lane Topology Reasoning on Driving Scenes
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Release the whole project source code #1

Open sunstarchan opened 2 weeks ago

sunstarchan commented 2 weeks ago

First of all, I'd glad to say this is a great idea about topology reasoning and thanks for opening the source code.

I noticed that there was only openlanev2 related code in the latest commit. So I was wondering the whole project source code. I checked all the commits and got the changes with TopoNet, but I still confused about the functions you added in openlanev2/centerline/evaluation/ They were be called in somewhere, unfortunately I could find it.

Franpin commented 1 week ago

Thank you for your discovery and suggestions. I am currently organizing the code and it will soon be open source. The change in openlanev2/centerline/evaluation/ is based on the official code of openlanev2, it can be found in