FransBouma / InjectableGenericCameraSystem

This is a generic camera system to be used as the base for cameras for taking screenshots within games. The main purpose of the system is to hijack the in-game 3D camera by overwriting values in its camera structure with our own values so we can control where the camera is located, it's pitch/yaw/roll values, its FoV and the camera's look vector.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
718 stars 249 forks source link

Tomb Raider 2013 Cheat Table #79

Closed Keith94 closed 6 years ago

Keith94 commented 6 years ago


FransBouma commented 6 years ago

You're posting this in the repository which has camera tools for this game: :)

Or are my tools lacking a feature that was in the table?

Keith94 commented 6 years ago

Well, I was looking for FOV control during actual gameplay. Does yours have it?

FransBouma commented 6 years ago

Nope only during free cam (as stated on the download page:

You can create a Cheat table yourself, from the offsets in the source: This is to obtain the FoV address at runtime (see intercepter code here You need 2 write blocks. I guess you can simply nop them in your CT.

(offsets from start of exe). Lower down in that file you see the offset of the FoV value related to the address intercepted.