Fraunhofer-AISEC / cpg

A library to extract Code Property Graphs from C/C++, Java, Go, Python, Ruby and every other language through LLVM-IR.
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Performance Issue with file #678

Closed anon767 closed 1 year ago

anon767 commented 2 years ago

Hi everybody,

I encountered This C File which takes an incredible amount of time until parsed.

Regards, Tom

anon767 commented 2 years ago

This one and this one too :(

oxisto commented 2 years ago

ffserver.c: 87021 ms. ControlFlowSensitiveDFGPass takes 84965 ms mpegvideo.c: Parses in 614 ms overall on my M1, although I get a LOT of problem declaration nodes there so not sure now much of it is really parsed h264.c: Took 97127 ms on my M1. ControlFlowSensitiveDFGPass takes 67280 ms, so room for improvement there as well I would say.

anon767 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for checking, could you give me your translation configuration? Seems like this is then a problem on my side

oxisto commented 2 years ago

Thanks for checking, could you give me your translation configuration? Seems like this is then a problem on my side

I was doing it as part of a unit test - I was parsing it without any heads, just the single file. this might make a difference.

  void testFF() throws Exception {
    File file = new File("src/test/resources/ffserver.c");
    TranslationUnitDeclaration tu =
        TestUtils.analyzeAndGetFirstTU(List.of(file), file.getParentFile().toPath(), true);


Internally the following config is used for the unit tests:

val builder =
        if (usePasses) {
anon767 commented 2 years ago

Wow interesting. h264.c takes 22s for me on my MacBook Pro 2019 when using your configuration. It takes 3min and 10s when Im using my Configuration:

        val translationConfiguration = TranslationConfiguration

Is there something I have overlooked?

konradweiss commented 2 years ago

akes 67280 ms

I will look into this as I am already doing stuff on that pass.

oxisto commented 2 years ago

Wow interesting. h264.c takes 22s for me on my MacBook Pro 2019 when using your configuration. It takes 3min and 10s when Im using my Configuration:

        val translationConfiguration = TranslationConfiguration

Is there something I have overlooked?

Hmm codeInNodes and processAnnotations seem to be deactivated by default. Although I am not sure if codeInNodesreally has any effect. But it could potentially make a difference, the CXX implementation of that is not the best.

oxisto commented 2 years ago

Maybe this helps. I have implemented a way to read consolidated benchmark information. I will push the branch in a minute (Update: its here

Benchmark run 177c0350-88a8-48a0-bd40-18d5dbc52cac

Metric Value
Translation config {"debugParser": true, "loadIncludes": true, "includePaths": [], "includeWhitelist": [], "includeBlacklist": [], "frontends": {"class": [".java"], "class de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.frontends.cpp.CXXLanguageFrontend": [".c", ".cpp", ".cc", ".h", ".hpp"]}, "disableCleanup": true, "codeInNodes": true, "processAnnotations": false, "failOnError": true, "symbols": {}, "sourceLocations": ["src\/test\/resources\/ffserver.c"], "topLevel": "src\/test\/resources", "useUnityBuild": false, "useParallelFrontends": true, "typeSystemActiveInFrontend": false, "passes": ["de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.TypeHierarchyResolver@1bdf4139", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.JavaExternalTypeHierarchyResolver@5cf81961", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.ImportResolver@1374d107", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.VariableUsageResolver@2d9ac90a", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.CallResolver@18acaed9", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.EvaluationOrderGraphPass@3c70be10", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.TypeResolver@5efa7435", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.ControlFlowSensitiveDFGPass@3a7452f0", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.FilenameMapper@1f979c6f"], "inferenceConfiguration": {"guessCastExpressions": false, "inferRecords": false}}
Number of files translated 1
Translated file(s) [ffserver.c]
TranslationManager: Executing Language Frontend 994 ms
TypeHierarchyResolver: Executing Pass 65 ms
JavaExternalTypeHierarchyResolver: Executing Pass 0 ms
ImportResolver: Executing Pass 9 ms
VariableUsageResolver: Executing Pass 429 ms
CallResolver: Executing Pass 236 ms
EvaluationOrderGraphPass: Executing Pass 147 ms
TypeResolver: Executing Pass 41 ms
ControlFlowSensitiveDFGPass: Executing Pass 68926 ms
FilenameMapper: Executing Pass 3 ms
TranslationManager: Translation into full graph 70862 ms

Benchmark run 41836601-0f5e-45bd-89af-0ed1f62364e2

Metric Value
Translation config {"debugParser": true, "loadIncludes": true, "includePaths": [], "includeWhitelist": [], "includeBlacklist": [], "frontends": {"class": [".java"], "class de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.frontends.cpp.CXXLanguageFrontend": [".c", ".cpp", ".cc", ".h", ".hpp"]}, "disableCleanup": true, "codeInNodes": true, "processAnnotations": false, "failOnError": true, "symbols": {}, "sourceLocations": ["src\/test\/resources\/mpegvideo.c"], "topLevel": "src\/test\/resources", "useUnityBuild": false, "useParallelFrontends": true, "typeSystemActiveInFrontend": false, "passes": ["de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.TypeHierarchyResolver@65add5c9", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.JavaExternalTypeHierarchyResolver@2b8e63ef", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.ImportResolver@60462928", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.VariableUsageResolver@25249056", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.CallResolver@852b03d", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.EvaluationOrderGraphPass@40a8508a", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.TypeResolver@369ced13", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.ControlFlowSensitiveDFGPass@48012497", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.FilenameMapper@29e562ef"], "inferenceConfiguration": {"guessCastExpressions": false, "inferRecords": false}}
Number of files translated 1
Translated file(s) [mpegvideo.c]
TranslationManager: Executing Language Frontend 568 ms
TypeHierarchyResolver: Executing Pass 1 ms
JavaExternalTypeHierarchyResolver: Executing Pass 0 ms
ImportResolver: Executing Pass 0 ms
VariableUsageResolver: Executing Pass 7 ms
CallResolver: Executing Pass 4 ms
EvaluationOrderGraphPass: Executing Pass 8 ms
TypeResolver: Executing Pass 1 ms
ControlFlowSensitiveDFGPass: Executing Pass 2 ms
FilenameMapper: Executing Pass 0 ms
TranslationManager: Translation into full graph 601 ms

Benchmark run 7e464dca-9c18-45f5-8a5d-219808470783

Metric Value
Translation config {"debugParser": true, "loadIncludes": true, "includePaths": [], "includeWhitelist": [], "includeBlacklist": [], "frontends": {"class": [".java"], "class de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.frontends.cpp.CXXLanguageFrontend": [".c", ".cpp", ".cc", ".h", ".hpp"]}, "disableCleanup": true, "codeInNodes": true, "processAnnotations": false, "failOnError": true, "symbols": {}, "sourceLocations": ["src\/test\/resources\/h264.c"], "topLevel": "src\/test\/resources", "useUnityBuild": false, "useParallelFrontends": true, "typeSystemActiveInFrontend": false, "passes": ["de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.TypeHierarchyResolver@7c194bef", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.JavaExternalTypeHierarchyResolver@57a40e23", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.ImportResolver@4b3e679", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.VariableUsageResolver@4343b059", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.CallResolver@5889eb2e", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.EvaluationOrderGraphPass@1e7b1afa", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.TypeResolver@20c91522", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.ControlFlowSensitiveDFGPass@24325bf3", "de.fraunhofer.aisec.cpg.passes.FilenameMapper@2bf40c94"], "inferenceConfiguration": {"guessCastExpressions": false, "inferRecords": false}}
Number of files translated 1
Translated file(s) [h264.c]
TranslationManager: Executing Language Frontend 5792 ms
TypeHierarchyResolver: Executing Pass 209 ms
JavaExternalTypeHierarchyResolver: Executing Pass 0 ms
ImportResolver: Executing Pass 26 ms
VariableUsageResolver: Executing Pass 7518 ms
CallResolver: Executing Pass 6519 ms
EvaluationOrderGraphPass: Executing Pass 8523 ms
TypeResolver: Executing Pass 2174 ms
ControlFlowSensitiveDFGPass: Executing Pass 60506 ms
FilenameMapper: Executing Pass 25 ms
TranslationManager: Translation into full graph 91304 ms
anon767 commented 2 years ago

Im thrilled 😄

konradweiss commented 2 years ago

Is this issue so far resolved or are we keeping it open as we have further optimizations that we plan to follow up on?

KuechA commented 1 year ago

Is this still an issue on the current main branch? I can't replicate those times on my machine at the moment (e.g. the ffserver.c took around 3 seconds). We completely changed the ControlFlowSensitiveDFGPass, so I hope that the issue is resolved.

anon767 commented 1 year ago

Looks good :) thank you!