Fraunhofer-IIS / libjapi

libjapi is a universal JSON to C API library. It receives newline-delimited JSON (NDJSON) messages via TCP and calls registered C functions. A JSON response is returned for each request. Furthermore, it is also possible to create push services, which asynchronously push JSON messages to the clients subscribed to them.
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✨ Proposal: Specify first level of all JAPI responses #13

Closed fraunhofer-iis-bot closed 1 year ago

fraunhofer-iis-bot commented 5 years ago

In GitLab by @jannismain on Jul 8, 2019, 16:50

Current Implementation

Right now, the format of JAPI responses is partly specified and partly up to japi_request_handler, which is implemented for each server application:

JAPI command handled by libjapi:

-> { "japi_request": "japi_pushsrv_list"}
<- { "japi_response": "japi_pushsrv_list", "services": [ "push_temperature", "push_counter" ] }

_JAPI command handled by application-defined response handler (but still including japi_response key):_

-> { "japi_request": "get_temperature" }
<- { "japi_response": "get_temperature", "temperature": 27.0, "unit": "celsius" }

_Another command handled by application-defined response handler (without japi_response key):_

-> { "japi_request": "japi_pushsrv_subscribe", "service": "push_temperature" }
<- { "temperature": 39.91664810452468, "japi_pushsrv": "push_temperature" }
<- { "temperature": 39.73847630878195, "japi_pushsrv": "push_temperature" }
<- { "temperature": 39.46300087687415, "japi_pushsrv": "push_temperature" }
<- { "temperature": 39.09297426825681, "japi_pushsrv": "push_temperature" }


A badly (or maliciously) designed request handler could use JAPI package identifiers listed above to trick the parser into doing things he shouldn't be doing.

Example of a forged response:

-> { "japi_request": "japi_pushsrv_list", "services": [ "push_temperature", "push_counter" ] }
-> { "japi_request": "japi_pushsrv_subscribe", "service": "push_temperature" }
<- { "japi_response": "japi_pushsrv_subscribe", "service": "push_temperature", "success": true }
<- { "temperature": 39.91664810452468, "japi_pushsrv": "push_temperature" }
<- { "temperature": 39.73847630878195, "japi_pushsrv": "push_temperature" }
// forged response to advertise service that doesn't exist:
<- { "japi_response": "japi_pushsrv_list", "services": [ "push_temperature", "push_counter", "push_bitcoin_miner" ] }
<- { "temperature": 39.09297426825681, "japi_pushsrv": "push_temperature" }

If the client-side parser has no logic to match responses to initiated requests, it will now think, there is a registered push_bitcoin_miner service, which there isn't really.

But even if the client-parser only handles responses with matching requests, a push service package (with a forged response) might always arrive in between request and authentic response.

Possible Solutions

  1. Blacklist internal JAPI keys (japi_response, japi_response_msg, japi_pushsrv, service, services, success) from being used in request handler functions.
  2. Strictly specify first level of JAPI response messages (request handler values would be attached on the second level )

Proposed Solution

Specify the first level of all JAPI responses to guarantee, that the same parser can parse all JAPI response packages.

A specification could look like this:

Regular JAPI packages:

    "japi_response": str,
    "value": any,
    "success": bool

JAPI Push Service Update Packages:

    "japi_pushsrv": str,
    "value": any

Here, the application defined fields (any) are separated from any internal JAPI fields ("value", "japi_pushsrv") through hierarchy, rendering the forged response above meaningless:

Example of a forged response:

<- { "value": 39.91664810452468, "japi_pushsrv": "push_temperature" }
<- { "value": 39.73847630878195, "japi_pushsrv": "push_temperature" }
// forged response to advertise service that doesn't exist:
<- { "value": { "japi_response": "japi_pushsrv_list", "services": [ "push_temperature", "push_counter", "push_bitcoin_miner" ] }, "japi_pushsrv": "push_temperature" }
// client is indifferent to this attack:
-> 凸( ̄ヘ ̄)
<- { "temperature": 39.09297426825681, "japi_pushsrv": "push_temperature" }
fraunhofer-iis-bot commented 5 years ago

In GitLab by @fraunhofer-iis-anon on Jul 8, 2019, 17:52

I suggest ssl-certs to secure communication. It's not necessary, to change the protocol. And it secures other aspects like integrity(which would still be a vulnerability even with the changes) etc. of the messages, too.

fraunhofer-iis-bot commented 5 years ago

In GitLab by @jannismain on Jul 10, 2019, 07:47

AFAIK, SSL certs only verify the server is who he says he is, which makes Man-in-the-Middle attacks harder to execute. Transport security is a valid point and important, as soon as libjapi connects to the WWW, but the issue with he spec I described above, is not limited to MitM vulnerability.

I was rather talking about the general ability for libjapi push-services / request handlers to send packages, that are indistinguishable from libjapi-internal packages.

Introducing hierarchy in the response package data layout would make this an impossibility, which results in...

fraunhofer-iis-bot commented 5 years ago

In GitLab by @cstender on Jul 11, 2019, 13:15

Yes, SSL is a completely different story. TLS would be is interesting but can also be provided by the WebServer Proxy. So this is low prio atm.

After talking with Thomas we think that it makes sense to implement your proposed format with some minor modifications.

1) Instead of value we would recommend the keyword data.

2) It should be discussed if we really want the success key in the first json hierarchy level. IMO this is user content and should be part of the user data blob.

Comments? Further suggestions?

fraunhofer-iis-bot commented 5 years ago

In GitLab by @cstender on Aug 16, 2019, 15:48
