FraunhoferIOSB / FAAAST-Service

FA³ST - Fraunhofer Advanced Asset Administration Shell Tools (for Digital Twins)
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Issue: Unexpected Exception When Starting FA³ST Service #807

Closed wildias12 closed 4 weeks ago

wildias12 commented 4 weeks ago

Description: An unexpected exception occurs when starting the FA³ST Service, preventing it from running correctly. Despite this error, the demo functions correctly, and it is possible to communicate with the Milo server and read/send data via HTTP. This issue did not appear in previous runs, indicating a potential regression or configuration issue. The error is present in both versions 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT and 1.0.1 of the Fa³st Service.

Steps to Reproduce: Configure the FA³st Service as usual. Attempt to start the service using the command java -jar starter-1.1.0.jar. Observe the error that occurs during the startup process. Expected Behavior: The service should start correctly without any exceptions or errors.

Actual Behavior: The service fails to start, presenting an unexpected exception and an error related to the HTTP endpoint and self-signed certificate. However, the demo still works correctly, allowing communication with the Milo server and data operations via HTTP.

Environment: Fa³st Service versions: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT and 1.0.1 Commit Time: 2024-06-14T10:50:29Z (for 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT) Operating System: Windows 11 Pro

Below is a screenshot of the terminal output showing the error encountered when starting the service:


Log description: Terminal output showing an unexpected exception during the startup of the FA³ST Service.

Additional Information: The error seems to be related to the generation of a self-signed certificate for HTTPS and a failure in starting the HTTP endpoint. This issue did not appear in previous runs, suggesting a potential change in configuration or a regression in the recent version. Despite the error, the demo functions correctly, enabling communication with the Milo server and data transactions via HTTP. The issue is consistent across both versions 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT and 1.0.1.