FraunhoferIOSB / FROST-Server

A Complete Server implementation of the OGC SensorThings API
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Deployment of FROST-Server.MQTTP-x.y.z.war not working #1956

Open eskotilla opened 2 days ago

eskotilla commented 2 days ago


We have tried to deploy a FROST Server using FROST-Server.MQTTP-x.y.z.war pre-built file, but after following the steps described in, we're not able to make it working. We're not really proficient with Tomcat so, sure we're missing some configuration.

We have the following scenario:

\ \ \ \ \<Resource name="jdbc/sensorThings" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver" url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/sensorthings" username="sensorthings" password="ChangeMe" maxTotal="20" maxIdle="10" maxWaitMillis="-1" defaultAutoCommit="false" />

spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/sensorthings spring.datasource.username=sensorthings spring.datasource.password=ChangeMe spring.datasource.driver-class-name=org.postgresql.Driver spring.datasource.driver-class-name=org.postgresql.Driver persistence.persistenceManagerImplementationClass=de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.sta.persistence.postgresql.PostgreSQLPersistenceManagerString

We can get main FROST-Server web page to work, but when we click on any link, like "DatabaseStatus", we get the typical tomcat's "404 - Not found" error message:

The requested resource [/FROST-Server/DatabaseStatus] is not available

We will appreciate if anyone can guide us to get it working.

Thanks in advance

hylkevds commented 2 days ago

FROST-Server currently requires Tomcat 9. From 9 to 10 the namespace of all JavaEE classes changed, so it's not really possible to support both. Some users have managed to run FROST on Tomcat 10 by using the conversion tools that are supplied with Tomcat, though if you are not experienced with Tomcat it's probably easier to start with 9.

Also, FROST does not use Spring, so creating an file is pointless. That's also not in the steps described in the documentation.

Look in the log files of Tomcat to see any errors.

eskotilla commented 1 day ago

Hi, we finally successfully deployed FROST-Server on Tomcat 9 (and solved other minor issues related to "jar" files) so, we're now able to use APIs to operate with data.

Now we are wondering if there is a version of FROST Server with all SensorThings extensions. That is, we would like to be able to have STAPlus and Tasking Core, either a complete version including endpoints and API, or just with the tables only defined and created.


hylkevds commented 1 day ago

The supplied plugins can be configured using environment variables or Tomcat parameters. See the documentation for that. The STAplus plugin is not maintained by us.