Open rduivenvoorde opened 1 month ago
If that logging output is the last, then I suspect it's waiting to time-out trying to connect to your database.
Mmm, I can reach the db from within the container (using curl). And I can connect using the same credentials from another machine (no psql in the container). Going to rollback to the older version to see what happens.
You could try setting the persistence.autoUpdateDatabase
to false
. That should allow FROST to complete its startup and may make debugging easier.
Ok, set:
autoUpdate: false
Then I have a web page again:
Some observations:
09:55:22.078 DEBUG d.f.i.i.f.http.common.HttpRequestDecoder - Request: GET /FROST-Server/v1.1/ null
- host ->
- x-request-id -> 9c0c4e4c93c2c88ab12cc250cccf1db0
- x-real-ip ->
- x-forwarded-for ->
- x-forwarded-host ->
- x-forwarded-port -> 443
- x-forwarded-proto -> https
- x-forwarded-scheme -> https
- x-scheme -> https
- user-agent -> Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:130.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/130.0
- accept -> text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/png,image/svg+xml,*/*;q=0.8
- accept-language -> en-US,en;q=0.5
- accept-encoding -> gzip, deflate, br, zstd
- upgrade-insecure-requests -> 1
- sec-fetch-dest -> document
- sec-fetch-mode -> navigate
- sec-fetch-site -> none
- sec-fetch-user -> ?1
- dnt -> 1
- sec-gpc -> 1
- priority -> u=0, i
- pragma -> no-cache
- cache-control -> no-cache
- cookie -> CID=BAAAAOjeA9JT6Baq81IvlDc4oFg=
09:55:46.759 INFO d.f.i.i.f.http.common.DatabaseStatus - DatabaseStatus Servlet called.
09:55:46.760 INFO d.f.i.i.f.p.p.PostgresPersistenceManager - Checking for upgrades in liquibase/core.xml
So my conclusion for now: something in the db update is failing or not starting?
I'm on 2.4 now...
Looking in the database at the databasechangelog and databasechangeloglock table I now see:
id |author|filename |dateexecuted |orderexecuted|exectype|md5sum |description |comments|tag|liquibase|contexts|labels|deployment_id|
mdsPostgresTriggers.sql |scf |liquibase/pluginmultidatastream/tables.xml |2024-09-24 09:35:38.552| 47|RERAN |9:960ca4bf343bada5a5ceb3922731196a|sqlFile path=postgresTriggers.sql | | |4.28.0 | | |7170538504 |
postgresTriggers.sql |scf |liquibase/plugincoremodel/tables.xml |2024-09-24 09:35:38.295| 46|RERAN |9:de1cf7ab1748eabe4f49114d90e982ac|sqlFile path=postgresTriggers.sql | | |4.28.0 | | |7170538222 |
postgresFunctions.sql |scf |liquibase/core.xml |2024-09-24 09:35:37.666| 45|RERAN |9:401ce1b4882bc13657787bf5cc74c5f7|sqlFile path=postgresFunctions.sql | | |4.28.0 | | |7170537543 |
2022-04-06-Index-OBS-MDS_ID-ID |scf |liquibase/pluginmultidatastream/foreignKeys.xml |2024-08-22 13:14:36.777| 43|EXECUTED|9:2f672323bae7d7074751d42c45fee6fb|createIndex indexName=OBS-MDS_ID-ID, tableName=OBSERVATIONS | | |4.28.0 | | |4332472390 |
1|false | | |
So it looks like 2.4 is running, but maybe with a not uptodate database?
Ok... I get what the crux was. (though this was not shown in normal logs?)
Instead of via k8s I just started a fresh container using the same db and credentials:
this is fine as long as nothing has to be changed in the db schema.
But on an update, liquibase wants to be the owner of the update functions:
11:48:44.153 [ main] INFO d.f.i.i.f.p.PersistenceManagerFactory - Database-update-log:
Failed to upgrade database: Plugin.CoreModel.:
liquibase.exception.LiquibaseException: liquibase.exception.MigrationFailedException: Migration failed for changeset liquibase/plugincoremodel/tables.xml::postgresTriggers.sql::scf:
Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: ERROR: must be owner of function datastreams_update_insert [Failed SQL: (0) -- Copyright (C) 2024 Fraunhofer Institut IOSB, Fraunhoferstr. 1, D 76131
-- Karlsruhe, Germany.
So I'll change (temporarily?) back to the owner of the db.
(OR is there an option to have 2 different users for this?)
Ok, good that you found out, but very strange that Liquibase did not throw any errors over this in the first log you posted!
Hmm, having a separate user for the liquibase commands is not a bad idea...
Context: after upgrading Frost images from 2.3.? to 2.4.0 the http server either does not show up, OR only after a long time. But the root page (in which I hoped to maybe have to be able to do some db update), does NOT show up. After a long time, the v1.1/xxx-endpoints eventually show up (but the / or databasestatus pages are still not available then).
The (INFO) logging of the server ends with:
I try to raise the logging level in the http container, but seem to fail
I do see debug messages in the mqtt container, but not in the http container
We have Frost-Server running in Kubernetes here. Using configuration in a values.yaml like the helm example:
or even
I've also tried to add the LL_FROST env vars from by putting
in frost.envExtra key/value pairsGoing INTO the container, I do see FROST_LL with DEBUG values in
.Any idea how to see what is going on?
Thanks for any pointer.