using Keycloak as auth-provider, it seems that the redirect_uri parameter for the redirection from Keycloak-Login page back to https://{myDomain}/DatabaseStatus is incorrect.
When clicking on DatabaseStatus the Login-URL (_auth/realms/frostrealm/protocol/openid-connect/auth?response_type=code&client_id={myClientID}&redirecturi=http%3A%2F%2F{myDomain}%2FFROST-Server%2FDatabaseStatus&state=123&login=true&scope=openid) contains a parameter redirect_uri with value {myDomain}%2FFROST-Server%2FDatabaseStatus.
This leads to a 404-Message: The requested resource [/FROST-Server/FROST-Server/DatabaseStatus] is not available
Changing redirect_uri to http%3A%2F%2F{myDomain}%2FDatabaseStatus leads to 403 Forbidden.
You could try doing the auth procedure with the browser-debugger open, so you can see what keycloak actually redirects to. Then you can see if the problem is in keycloak, or in the ingress configuration.
using Keycloak as auth-provider, it seems that the redirect_uri parameter for the redirection from Keycloak-Login page back to https://{myDomain}/DatabaseStatus is incorrect.
When clicking on DatabaseStatus the Login-URL (_auth/realms/frostrealm/protocol/openid-connect/auth?response_type=code&client_id={myClientID}&redirecturi=http%3A%2F%2F{myDomain}%2FFROST-Server%2FDatabaseStatus&state=123&login=true&scope=openid) contains a parameter redirect_uri with value {myDomain}%2FFROST-Server%2FDatabaseStatus.
This leads to a 404-Message: The requested resource [/FROST-Server/FROST-Server/DatabaseStatus] is not available
Changing redirect_uri to http%3A%2F%2F{myDomain}%2FDatabaseStatus leads to 403 Forbidden.
I think the redirect_uri interferes with our rewrite from / to /FROST-Server in our Ingress. Could it be, that the "redirect-rewrite-rules"-Parameter has to be adjusted accordingly (see