FraunhoferIOSB / frost-sensorthings-datasource

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UID is invalid error #242

Open ndevilleBE opened 1 year ago

ndevilleBE commented 1 year ago

Dear, I try to test the Grafana pluging for Sensorthings API data (v. 0.0.4). I don't manage to create any dashboard as the data request sent by the pluging seems wrong.

The steps I followed are:

In the Inspect pannel, the error is 'UID is invalid'. If I check the url url:"api/datasources/proxy/uid/xe31W9enz&$filter=phenomenonTime ge 2021-03-25T10:00:00.000Z and phenomenonTime le 2021-03-25T11:00:00.000Z&$top=1000"

Somehow the '?' signs has been changed to '&' sign which creates the error. Am I doing something wrong or is there some error in the plugin? Thanks for your help,

ndevilleBE commented 1 year ago

I narrowed down the issue. It is indeed linked to the url encoding. If I ask for the last few hours/days of data, the url is: url:"api/datasources/proxy/uid/xe31W9enz/Datastreams(239)/Observations?$orderby=phenomenonTime asc&$filter=phenomenonTime ge 2023-03-19T09:59:12.759Z and phenomenonTime le 2023-03-21T09:59:12.760Z&$top=1000"

If I ask data for an absolute date range, the URL is: url:"api/datasources/proxy/uid/xe31W9enz&$filter=phenomenonTime ge 2021-12-31T20:00:00.000Z and phenomenonTime le 2022-01-08T19:59:59.000Z&$top=1000"

So the initial part of the query is not passed (/Datastreams(239)/Observations?$orderby=phenomenonTime asc), which creates the issue. Kind regards