Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
so far, noone else chimed in with a Mountain Lion problem...
There is one thing you might try - close Wii Server, turn wiimote off and to be
sure also deactivate bluetooth; now go to the known bluetooth devices and see,
if the wiimote is listed - if it is, remove it...
When done, try to activate bluetooth, start wii server and try to pair the
Let me know, if it helped; if not, I'll try to get ML too and see if I can
reproduce the problem too - the only problem is, that our internet connection
is not the fastest one (lousy wifi), so it might take me few days to get it...
Kind regards,
Original comment by
on 29 Jul 2012 at 7:58
Thank you,
as you probably remember, I already mail you with another issue, you then gave
me a custom library to be used inside the ltr_gui, meanwhile I changed Mac,
still using that library successfully, but now, that I updated the OS the
WiiServer doesn't work. May the ltr_gui lib affect in some ways the WiiServer
I tried to delete from the Apple Bluetooth Preferences the Nintendo WiiRemote.
Then I started WiiServer, and try to pair them, but as long as I push the
"Connect" button in WiiServer, the paired Nintendo WiiRemote shows up in the
Apple BlueTooth preferences as Connected, but the WiiServer still shows the
orange "Connecting" string. Sometimes then it crashes (i attach the crash
Original comment by
on 29 Jul 2012 at 8:34
Thank you for the report - I just quickly glanced at it, but no tell tale signs
there so far... I'll take a peek at in the evening, maybe I'll be able to see
I also tried to get the Mountain Lion, but my Mini is not compatible (I have
2007 model, and they support 2009 up), so I'll not be able to directly
reproduce the problem... Also it doesn't seem very probable I'll be able to get
an upgrade anytime soon...
Anyway, I'll try to see if there were any changes in the bluetooth api and will
work from there...
Kind regards,
Original comment by
on 29 Jul 2012 at 9:20
looking to the bluetooth docs and other sources, I see that there are some
changes in the API...
Now I'm also trying to setup a development environment on the 10.7 - maybe the
compiler will issue some warnings...
Also, the application creates a log - open the terminal and paste the following
command in:
cp /tmp/linuxtrack*.log ~/Desktop
It will copy all the logs to your desktop - please zip them and attach them
And last, but not least - what exactly do you mean by "I change application" ?
Kind regards,
Original comment by
on 29 Jul 2012 at 7:52
With "I change application" I was meaning, if some other application involving
bluetooth becomes active, the WiiServer crashes.
The file I attach is a log of the application:
I opened the WiiServer, pushed on the WiiRemote the A B buttons (in order to
start the pairing with the Mac), and pushed the "Connect", the Bluetooth Icon
on the Apple Menu bar, changes to the grey B with the black line in the middle
of the icon.
The WiiRemote keeps on flashing with the leds, meaning that it is still in the
"pairing mode", while the WiiServer never leave the orange string
Thanks for the support.
Original comment by
on 29 Jul 2012 at 8:52
here is an update...
The log shows signs of a race condition that I already saw before; the problem
is, that I'm not completely sure what is the root cause.
On the other hand I got an idea and I'm working on it now - in a nutshell,
instead of searching for the wiimote myself (and possibly racing with the
system), I leave the work to system and then just query found devices...
I hope to have something for you to test in a matter of day or two (will try,
but can't promise that).
Kind regards,
Original comment by
on 30 Jul 2012 at 9:39
Thank you. By looking at the WiiRemote and Mac outputs (bluetooth icon on the
mac, flashing leds on the WiiRemote), I also think there is a kind of race
between the OS and the WiiServer, I don't remember if this happened in Lion
too, but now the OS recognize the Bluetooth device as "Joystick". I attach the
properties of the Nintendo WiiRemote, as seen on the Bluetooth Preferences
Panel of the MacOS ML (sorry for the italian).
By the way:
Nome = Name
Tipo = Type
Indirizzo = Address
Nome Mostrato = Displayed Name
Servizi = Services
Abbinato = Paired
Configurato = Configured
Preferito = Starred
Connesso = Connected
Classe disp. princ. = Princ. device class
Classe disp. sec. = Secondary device class
Classe serv. disp = no idea
ID prodotto = ID product
Original comment by
on 31 Jul 2012 at 7:42
[deleted comment]
Hello Giovanni,
I don't mind italian at all (had two year long course in the highschool, but
forgot almost everyting since then ;) )...
The wiimote being recognized as joystick is ok - this is the same on Lion. What
bothers me, is for example this: if I remove the device from known devices and
pair the wiimote again, as long as I don't disconnect it using the power button
on the wiimote, I'm able to connect it back by just pressing 1+2 (at least the
BT icon shows connection). But I have a feeling that there is still something
wrong, because at that point I can open baseband connection just fine, while I
can't open L2CAP channel (and bluetooth explorer shows the two L2CAP channels
in red)...
When I disconnect it by pressing the power button on the wiimote, it won't
connect anymore, unless I do the pairing again (now speaking strictly about
system itself, no Wii Server involved).
Today I'll try to dig a bit deeper to see if I can find something - it might be
caused by the fact, that it is recognized as HID device, but it is not quite
HID compliant... Maybe if I could persuade it do leave the HID driver to let
Or there might be something wrong with the pairing not being finished properly
- hopefully this evening I'll know more...
Kind regards,
Original comment by
on 31 Jul 2012 at 4:00
Hello Giovanni,
here is the result of my experiments...
It should be fully compatible with the linuxtrack version you already have -
just use this Wii server instead of the old one...
Please let me know if it works for you (if it does not, please attach the log
files and/or crashlog).
Thank you for your help,
Original comment by
on 1 Aug 2012 at 8:25
Hi Michal,
I tried the WiiServer, but unfortunately it does not work: I attach the log.
The app does not crash, but when I try to pair the WiiMote to the WiiServer,
and then push connect, the bluetooth icon goes to the "paired" mode (gray bold
icon, with an horizontal line), but few seconds later, it returns to the
standard active icon (black bluetooth B).
The WiiServer does not change (never) to the Connected Green Light.
P.S. I use the last official release of x-plane, but I saw that in the next
version (10.10) there will be some differences in the mouse behavior in the 3D
cockpit view, hope this will not be a proble for the plugin :)
Original comment by
on 1 Aug 2012 at 8:38
Sometimes when I leave the Apple BlueTooth Assistant open it ask me for a code
to be written on the Wii (like it was a Smartphone). But never connects. It
seems that the OS is blocking the wii server to provide a service for the
WiiMote. If I can help you with other tests please contact me!
Original comment by
on 1 Aug 2012 at 8:56
Hello Giovanni,
thank you for the prompt response (although I expected different result ;) )...
I don't know if you have an developer account at apple, so I'm attaching a
bluetooth packet logger for Mountain Lion... It should record the communication
and give me a clue on what is going on in there...
Its usage is pretty straight forward - just start the logger, it will ask you
to get admin rights to access the hardware. If the logging window doesn't pop
up, just select File-New...
Now start the Wii server and try the pairing - you should see packets popping
up in the logging window.
When done, save the packet log and send it to me please...
Thank you,
PS. We'll see - if the behavior changes, then I'll correct it...
Original comment by
on 1 Aug 2012 at 9:04
Hi Michal, I do have the developer account, but in the new Mac i didn't install
XCode... By the way the Bluetooth logger returns this result (hope you could
read them). I upload the WiiServer log too.
The sequence of action was:
1. start the logger
2. start wiiserver
3. push connect button.
4. push the pairing mode in the WiiRemote.
5. wait.
6. I clicked two times on the bluetooth menu on the apple menu (i tell you this
since I saw that in the logger some instructions were logged during my call to
the menu.
7. WiiServer
sent the logs... :)
Original comment by
on 1 Aug 2012 at 9:21
Hello Giovanni,
looking at the log, it is obvious, that the Control channel doesn't get open at
all (I use synchronous call, so it should return as soon as the channel is
Looking at the comm dump, it is obvious, that something opens both those
channels and after a minute or so it closes them down... I suspect the HID
driver is playing with it for some reason...
I'll try one more thing now - there is a function, that should hint the system
to leave the device be...
If that doesn't help, I'll have to dive into the HID stuff to see if I can make
him to let go...
Kind regards,
Original comment by
on 1 Aug 2012 at 9:46
By having a quick look around the web I found
By the way, with this last version when i try to pair the WiiServer with the
WiiMote, it asks me for a pin.
Maybe the answer is leave everything without password! :)
Original comment by
on 1 Aug 2012 at 10:05
Hello Giovanni,
I'm heading to bed (not much sleep these days is taking its toll ;) )...
Just a few random thoughts...
- When pairing the wiimote, do you press 1+2 buttons, or the red sync under battery cover?
The thing is, that the red button pairing is somewhat different...
- It is strange, that the system picks up the wiimote - if 1+2 is pressed, it just puts the device to the discoverable state, but wiimote itself is not advertising its presence as far as I know...
- When the BT icon changes to connected, try pressing the power button on a wiimote for a few seconds; the BT icon should change back to idle; now press 1+2 - does it changes to connected too? If not, try starting the wii server and try the connection then...
- You might also try to open the bluetooth prefs and try removing the wiimote from there... Then try again the Wii server...
Good night,
Original comment by
on 1 Aug 2012 at 10:13
I always use the 1+2 buttons, since it is way faster, tomorrow I will try what
you said. But every time you sent me an application I remove fom the known
devices the nintendo controller.
Original comment by
on 1 Aug 2012 at 10:19
Hello Giovanni,
I looked at the blog post and on a first glance it doesn't seem very good...
On the other hand, still there are few things that we could try out...
I'd try to go the HID way as it seems that the HID driver is taking over -
either just to tell him to let go, or go entirely through HID (change the
communication layer).
The question now is - would you be interested in carying out some more tests?
It would help me a lot... On the other hand, I can fully understand if you
decide to botch the mountain lion for now and go back to lion, so you can fly
as usual. The decision is yours and don't feel pressed as you helped me a lot
Let me know what do you think,
Original comment by
on 2 Aug 2012 at 6:17
Dear Michal,
I will not downgrade to lion, that's for sure. I will help you, but this
saturday I will go in holiday, and I won't take the laptop with me! Anyway
write me all you want to test, when I came back from work in the nezt days, I
will do my homeworks!!!
I will also try to see if somebody finds a workaround for this "mountain lion
/bluetooth issue"!
Original comment by
on 2 Aug 2012 at 6:33
I was googling around and found this
Although is not a fix, maybe can be part of the solution.
Original comment by
on 2 Aug 2012 at 7:04
Thank you for the link, I'll check that, although I don't think it is where
we're stuck right now - from the log it seems that the process freezes in the
function opening the channel...
And thank you for the commitment - it is a huge help for me...
Enjoy the holidays and hopefully when you come back you'll have the wiimote
Kind regards,
Original comment by
on 2 Aug 2012 at 7:28
Maybe the last post was a bit misleading! I will help you until saturday, then,
if I leave my Laptop at home, it will be a problem, but maybe we can get to a
stable version in the next days! :) Let me know!
Original comment by
on 2 Aug 2012 at 4:32
Thank you for the clarification Giovanni...
Here is an update according to the post 21 - lets see if it makes a difference.
In the meantime I'm going to take a peek at the HID stuff.
Kind regards,
Original comment by
on 2 Aug 2012 at 7:54
It actually crash on start. I attach the log (i tried to disconnect the USB
devices too, but no improvements).
Process: WiiServer [38742]
Path: /Users/USER/*/
Identifier: linuxtrack.WiiServer
Version: 1.0
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [730]
User ID: 503
Date/Time: 2012-08-02 22:02:25.480 +0200
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.8 (12A269)
Report Version: 10
Interval Since Last Report: 235837 sec
Crashes Since Last Report: 10
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 1
Anonymous UUID: B19847F2-C224-417B-9BA2-B340746A005F
Crashed Thread: 0
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: /Users/*/libltr.0.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/USER/*/
Reason: image not found
Binary Images:
0x1074a1000 - 0x1074a5fff +linuxtrack.WiiServer (1.0) <4AA5948D-1EF1-3B71-8AA9-12C9E4A1CF72> /Users/USER/*/
0x1074b2000 - 0x1074b2fff +GlimsLoaderMinimal.dylib (1) <951A7DBD-1ACB-0D85-E99B-871D1708BBF5> /Library/Frameworks/GlimsAdditions.framework/Library/GlimsLoaderMinimal.dylib
0x7fff670a1000 - 0x7fff670d593f dyld (210.2.3) <A40597AA-5529-3337-8C09-D8A014EB1578> /usr/lib/dyld
0x7fff8177e000 - 0x7fff8177efff (6.7 - 19) <1F77945C-F37A-3171-B22E-F7AB0FCBB4D4> /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa
0x7fff836fc000 - 0x7fff837caff7 (4.0.9 - 4.0.9f8) <E74E0A5F-CAF9-39D8-8A95-61B74E87C995> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework/Versions/A/IOBluetooth
0x7fff85c16000 - 0x7fff85e34fff (106 - 407.5) <45EF39FE-7FD6-366E-BB5C-3E86E0B7DA3C> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Versions/A/CoreData
0x7fff88fcf000 - 0x7fff8932bff7 (6.8 - 945) <0C972F73-0C07-3384-98F2-B176E0289494> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x7fff898c9000 - 0x7fff8a4f3fff (6.8 - 1187) <C9309F5C-9441-3E5B-A120-B03FEDDA63F9> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
Model: MacBookPro9,2, BootROM MBP91.00D3.B06, 2 processors, Intel Core i5, 2.5
GHz, 16 GB, SMC 2.2f38
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000, Intel HD Graphics 4000, Built-In, 512 MB
Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x857F,
Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x857F,
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0xF5), Broadcom
BCM43xx 1.0 (
Bluetooth: Version 4.0.9f8 10405, 2 service, 18 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1
Serial ATA Device: TOSHIBA MK5065GSXF, 500,11 GB
USB Device: hub_device, 0x8087 (Intel Corporation), 0x0024, 0x1d100000 / 2
USB Device: USB 2.0 Hub, 0x1a40 (TERMINUS TECHNOLOGY INC.), 0x0101, 0x1d110000
/ 8
USB Device: CH FIGHTERSTICK USB, 0x068e, 0x00f3, 0x1d112000 / 11
USB Device: CH PRO THROTTLE USB, 0x068e, 0x00f1, 0x1d113000 / 10
USB Device: CH PRO PEDALS USB, 0x068e, 0x00f2, 0x1d114000 / 9
USB Device: hub_device, 0x0424 (SMSC), 0x2513, 0x1d180000 / 3
USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, apple_vendor_id, 0x0253,
0x1d183000 / 6
USB Device: BRCM20702 Hub, 0x0a5c (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x1d181000 / 5
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, apple_vendor_id, 0x821d, 0x1d181300
/ 7
USB Device: IR Receiver, apple_vendor_id, 0x8242, 0x1d182000 / 4
USB Device: hub_device, 0x8087 (Intel Corporation), 0x0024, 0x1a100000 / 2
USB Device: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in), apple_vendor_id, 0x8509, 0x1a110000
/ 3
Original comment by
on 2 Aug 2012 at 8:04
Error in the build script - wrong library path...
Here is the corrected version...
Original comment by
on 2 Aug 2012 at 8:33
Works perfectly, both the WiiServer + ltr_gui + X-PLANE! Great Job!
Original comment by
on 2 Aug 2012 at 8:39
Thank you for the great news and for your help Giovanni!
If I may ask you one more thing - I'll go once more through the code to see if
I didn't introduced any stupid mistakes and when I'm done (probably during
tomorrow), I'd ask you for one more test (hopefully a final one;) )...
Thank you,
PS. Actually you solved the problem by pointing me at the blog post - their
solution works...
Original comment by
on 2 Aug 2012 at 8:48
Hello Giovanni,
could you test this last version and let me know if it works for you?
Thank you,
PS. I took the librerty to introduce you to our hall of fame, as you really
helped me a great deal (including providing me with a solution on a golden
plate ;) )
Original comment by
on 2 Aug 2012 at 10:50
Sure I will, but i will do that tomorrow :) just shut down my computer
Thanks for everything!
Inviato da iPhone
Il giorno 03/ago/2012, alle ore 00:50, ""
<> ha scritto:
Original comment by
on 2 Aug 2012 at 10:52
Hi Michal,
thank you for the Hall of Fame! But really I did nothing special, you solved
the problem brilliantly!!
Here I attach the log of a simple comunication between the WiiServer and the
1. I start the WiiServer.
2. Connect button
3. on the remote push the A+B buttons.
4. pairs, asking me for a password that i ignore
5. connected.
6. i push the disconnect button on the WiiServer.
Original comment by
on 3 Aug 2012 at 4:31
Hello Giovanni,
I'm just giving you credit, where credit is due - without refering me to that
blogpost I wouldn't have come up with the solution so you really deserve it...
Do I understand it correctly, that it is working?
Thank you for your help,
Original comment by
on 3 Aug 2012 at 8:07
Works perfectly, i'm using it right now!
Original comment by
on 3 Aug 2012 at 8:12
Thank you very much for the great news!
And thank you for your help...
Enjoy your holidays,
PS. I'm going to close this ticket; in case of further problems, please reopen
Original comment by
on 3 Aug 2012 at 8:42
Original issue reported on by
on 28 Jul 2012 at 8:41