FredHutch / VISCtemplates

Tools for writing reproducible reports at VISC
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Guidance on how to generate figures and tables in a for loop (DRY principle) #156

Open kelliemac opened 1 month ago

kelliemac commented 1 month ago

To follow the DRY (don't repeat yourself) principle, it is sometimes helpful to generate figures and tables in a for loop. For example, in the B-cell reports we are usually generating the same tables and figures repeatedly for different endpoints.

I think this challenge probably also applies in other assays. One approach is as follows:

``{r prepare-for-iterating-over-endpoints, results='asis'}

insert_fig_subchunk <- function(fig, fig_chunk_name, fig_caption_short, fig_caption_long) {

  fig_deparsed <- paste0(deparse(function(){fig}), collapse = '')
  fig_sub_chunk <- paste0(
    "\n```{r fig-", fig_chunk_name, ', ', 
    "fig.scap='", fig_caption_short, "', ",
    "fig.cap='", fig_caption_long, "'}",
    "\n(", fig_deparsed, ")()", "\n```\n")
  cat(knit(text = knit_expand(text = fig_sub_chunk), quiet = TRUE))


fig_caption_common_text <- 'Some description of the figure content that applies to every figure, such as the color schemes/shapes/methods used'

endpoint_list <- c('Percent of IgG B-cells that are antigen-specific', 'Percent of IgG B-cells that are VRC01-class')

``{r iterate-over-endpoints, results='asis'}

  for (endpoint in endpoint_list) {

    cat('## ', endpoint, ' \n') # subsection title

    # main figure
    fig_caption_short <- endpoint
    fig_caption_long <- paste0(endpoint, ". ", fig_caption_common_text)
    fig <- plot_responses(endpoint) # this function defined elsewhere
    fig_chunk_name <- gsub(' ', '-', endpoint)
    insert_fig_subchunk(fig, fig_chunk_name, fig_caption_short, fig_caption_long)


    # tables  
    tabulate_response_timepoint_comparisons(endpoint) # this function defined elsewhere
    tabulate_response_group_comparisons(endpoint) # this function defined elsewhere



Is this broadly applicable enough that it would be helpful to incorporate some version of this into the report template?

If so, any improvements to suggest?

kelliemac commented 1 month ago

@mayerbry we discussed this yesterday, would be great to have your thoughts.