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Installing R packages from GitHub #511

Open k8hertweck opened 4 years ago

k8hertweck commented 4 years ago

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How can users install their own packages using install_github? There is no prompt for a personal library. Is there a workaround, or should they file a ticket for SciComp to install for them?

@ GitHub username of the listed primary reviewer of the page if known

k8hertweck commented 4 years ago

Solution for specifying paths for GitHub installs here:

withr::with_libpaths(new = "/home/user/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.6", install_github('github_user/repo'))

Also this for Bioconductor packages:

if (!require(package)) {
   if (!library(package)) {
atombaby commented 4 years ago

The hardcoded paths may present a problem for some- if you use a different version of R for example. It looks like (from the .libPaths() documentation) that some construct like:

file.path(Sys.getenv('HOME'),'R', R.version$platform, paste0(R.version$major, '.', R.version$minor))

Would do the trick.

k8hertweck commented 4 years ago

@lakikowolfe This would be a great issue for you to tackle, as it would also give you encouragement to get to know rhino better. Happy to talk to you more about this.

k8hertweck commented 4 years ago

A nice explanation from @fizwit in response to a question asked via help ticket:

Install.packages() breaks because it uses the first path from .libPaths() which is always the system path. You need to specify a path to your home directory to install libraries by adding ‘lib=’ to the install.packages command. Keep a separate directory for each version of R. Keeping all your installed libraries in one directory is very bad. Libraries break with different versions of R.

Install.packages(‘libname’, lib=’/home/ahoge/R/R-version/’)

My personal recommendation is to add this to your ~/.Rprofile. It creates a library path for each version of R, and re-oreders libPahs, to put your personal path at the front. It will also create the directory if it does not exist.

# .Rprofile
homePath <- paste(sep="", "/home/",["user"], "/R/")
libPath <- paste(sep="", homePath, version$platform, "-library/", version$major, ".", version$minor )
dir.create(file.path(libPath), showWarnings = FALSE)
.libPaths( c( libPath, .libPaths() ) )
k8hertweck commented 4 years ago

Add this to R tips and tricks:

vortexing commented 3 years ago

Did this happen?

k8hertweck commented 3 years ago

I don't think so. I assigned myself, since I handled some questions about it

laderast commented 1 month ago

@atombaby - is this addressed?