FredHutch / wiki

SciWiki: Collective KnowledgeBase for Scientific Data and Use
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Add links to FH DaSL Code Review guidance #748

Open vortexing opened 2 years ago

vortexing commented 2 years ago

Proposed Domain Probably need to reorganize a bit to actually put this in. Will maybe be part of the Data Generation OVerhaul?

Content Summary Link out to here:

Local Content Expert(s) @cansavvy and @vortexing

vortexing commented 2 years ago

This should go into the new data science section once the big PR goes through. HOW it goes in though is up for debate!

laderast commented 4 months ago

Make a stub!

Page should contain links:

tefirman commented 3 months ago

Talked with @Logan-Wallace about creating this stub. For right now, we are going to add this content as a page in the Data Science Lab Resource Library, but if the article starts to grow, it might make sense to convert it to a pathway at some point. Very open to feedback on that, but wanted to get the ball rolling. Thanks Logan!