FredKSchott / create-snowpack-app

The all-in-one app template for Snowpack. [moved]
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Out-of-the-Box PWA Support for app-template-preact #143

Closed DamianRivas closed 4 years ago

DamianRivas commented 4 years ago

Would it be possible to add out-of-the-box PWA support for the preact template just like in preact-cli?

FredKSchott commented 4 years ago

What would this entail / what's missing from the current template?

DamianRivas commented 4 years ago

I'm not entirely sure what preact-cli does besides provide the necessary files like a manifest.json, service worker, and icons. IIRC it also uses different service workers for debugging and the production build. So I'd say that's a good starting point. Beyond that I'm not sure what else they do if anything.

Google has a page showcasing the bare minimum needed to make a web app installable:

FredKSchott commented 4 years ago

To be honest, the best thing for this might be just a blog post titled: "Building a PWA with Snowpack" that documented how to go from the CSA Preact app -> a full PWA. That would be super valuable.

If someone wrote that, I'd love to promote it and link to it in the docs!