FreddyVRetro / ISA-PicoMEM

PicoMEM Doc and Firmware
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Southamerica Distribution of ISA-PicoMEM #39

Open nsinav opened 1 month ago

nsinav commented 1 month ago


Hi, I'm sorry to write to you through this medium, but it's the only way I found. I'm interested in distributing this product in South America. Is this possible? Thank you in advance for your reply.

FreddyVRetro commented 1 month ago

Hi, I promiced exclusive distribution to Texelec for America, sorry :-(

nsinav commented 4 weeks ago

Hello. I understand. And maybe distribution only in Chile? (My country). I think Kevin Williams does not care about South América, maybe i can talk with him, i got the distribution for PETSCII Robots and Planet X3 from his partner David Murray. But I prefer to keep the local market, as it is a good market for retro hardware. I am really interested. Kind regards,

iosoft commented 1 week ago

why not sell directly through eBay International?