the poplar planting shades the polytunnel from the west. That means that saplings will experience different light conditions in the afternoon, e.g. saplings closer to the poplars had less light in total. Since that was obvious from the start I decided to arrange treatments in 3 blocks, so that the plants of every treatment are distributed along this light gradient.
Now the questions is how this should be handled in the models.
Should I add block as a random factor?
fit_1<-stan_lmer(y ~ treatment*species + (1|block), data=dataset, prior_intercept=NULL, prior=NULL, prior_aux=NULL)
the poplar planting shades the polytunnel from the west. That means that saplings will experience different light conditions in the afternoon, e.g. saplings closer to the poplars had less light in total. Since that was obvious from the start I decided to arrange treatments in 3 blocks, so that the plants of every treatment are distributed along this light gradient. Now the questions is how this should be handled in the models. Should I add block as a random factor? fit_1<-stan_lmer(y ~ treatment*species + (1|block), data=dataset, prior_intercept=NULL, prior=NULL, prior_aux=NULL)